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help me understand this

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2 months ago
Mar 29, 2024, 8:52:26 AM


I do not know if its a bug or just I do not understand the card.

What is my strength in relation to this faction? Am I comparable or much more powerful?

I've seen this multiple times where sometimes it said the strength was weaker and afterwards that I was more powerful.

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2 months ago
Mar 29, 2024, 10:06:48 AM
razvangg1 wrote:


I do not know if its a bug or just I do not understand the card.

What is my strength in relation to this faction? Am I comparable or much more powerful?

I've seen this multiple times where sometimes it said the strength was weaker and afterwards that I was more powerful.

According to the img they mentioned that:

- You both depend on the resources of the other

- You are more powerful than them

I can imagine that this is why they also feel reverential to you (pls no problems ahahah)

I think strength take in consideration a bit of everything (Fame, military power, etc)

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2 months ago
Mar 29, 2024, 12:06:17 PM


thx for the reply.

If I'm "more powerful than them", if so how can the strength be "comparable" then?

and there's one more thing I noticed not related to this issue.

lets say I trade with an empire and my trade upkeep is 10 gold.
if there is a crisis between me and the said empire trading goods are no longer available until the crisis is resolved, but the 10 trade upkeep is still being paid without any trade being done. no way to cancel the trade agreements or get rid of the trade upkeep while there is a crisis

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Apr 5, 2024, 8:35:29 PM

Your strength is much higher than them, but they have much higher war support.  That matters in a war.  So those two things seem to be an overall wash.  That's why it's saying your 'comperable'.  Even though your military is quite a bit stronger, you can't take advantage of it when your war support is so low in comparison to theirs.

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