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Dungeon of the Endless
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Dungeon of the ENDLESS™ is a Rogue-Like Dungeon-Defense hybrid game, in which your team of heroes must protect the generator of their crashed ship while finding their way out!

Crashed on ending Elevator

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5 years ago
Jan 17, 2019, 9:45:46 PM

Was playing with my friends, and we got to level 12.
We got the crystal to the elecator and escaped.
However, the game crashed somehow, and I got stuck on the level (aka on the floor) while my friends were stuck on the elevator screen, invalidating my finished multiplayer game D:
I am so frustrated and sad.

Is there any way you could get awarded the achivement you would have gotten? >:(

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5 years ago
Aug 23, 2019, 10:43:16 AM


Same happen to me yesterday, I was hosting and when my mate who was carying the crystal click to escape I was stuck on the current level (but earing the elevator scene music).

That's annoying especially because there's no automatic save and the previous multiplayer save is deleted when loading it, many hours of play wasted with no recovery it's really sad :/

Is there a chance to get support/patch for that game after five years since it was released ?

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4 years ago
Apr 28, 2020, 7:27:10 PM

I've gotten this crash many times, usually at higher levels. I speculated it might be some kind of error that develops the longer you play the game. When I did the Drill Pod to level 24 challenge I saved and closed the game after every single floor, and I was able to get to level 24 on my first try with no crash.

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4 years ago
May 13, 2020, 11:30:32 AM
Eulogos wrote:

I've gotten this crash many times, usually at higher levels. I speculated it might be some kind of error that develops the longer you play the game. When I did the Drill Pod to level 24 challenge I saved and closed the game after every single floor, and I was able to get to level 24 on my first try with no crash.

That kinda drains the fun out of playing Dungeon of the endless :(
As there is this huge risk that I litterally won't be able to win D:

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