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Dungeon of the Endless
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Dungeon of the ENDLESS™ is a Rogue-Like Dungeon-Defense hybrid game, in which your team of heroes must protect the generator of their crashed ship while finding their way out!

Death Dealer and Shop?

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9 months ago
Jul 25, 2023, 1:53:08 PM

The wiki states that the Death Dealer is a merchant, but does not teleport to shops.

What if a shop is built in a room that spawned the Death Dealer? Does it count as being operated?

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4 months ago
Jan 10, 2024, 7:04:21 AM

While the wiki indicates that the Death Dealer is classified as a merchant, it doesn't specify teleporting to shops. If a shop is constructed in the room where the Death Dealer spawned, it typically doesn't count as being operated by the Death Dealer. The Death Dealer's functionality is primarily centered around providing items upon death rather than actively operating or teleporting to shops. It's recommended to refer to the specific game mechanics or developer documentation for precise details on the Death Dealer's behavior in your context.

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