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Crosshair/Cursor Options

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7 months ago
Oct 24, 2023, 8:22:39 PM

Most other twin stick shooters typically have a crosshair during gameplay, I was almost surprised it stayed as a regular cursor. Hopefully I'm not just missing something, but if there could be settings for alternate or customizable cursor/crosshair options that'd be nice! I have a hard time keeping track of the cursor at times

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7 months ago
Oct 31, 2023, 2:37:54 PM
ReillyPP wrote:

Most other twin stick shooters typically have a crosshair during gameplay, I was almost surprised it stayed as a regular cursor. Hopefully I'm not just missing something, but if there could be settings for alternate or customizable cursor/crosshair options that'd be nice! I have a hard time keeping track of the cursor at times

We have seen people asking for the size and accessibility options. Are you more on that line or more customization like colour, and type of cursor (such as transform it to a circle, square, etc). More like shooters settings options in that sense.

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6 months ago
Nov 28, 2023, 1:17:15 AM

Shooter settings like cursor shapes mostly, but I also think that color options would be helpful too

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