Hey there, just a few things me and my partner thought might be nice to have.

I'd love it if when you get hit with webbing from a spider that its more obvious. I feel like in other games, the screen edges would get a "webbing" effect for example in addition to my character themselves getting wrapped. Just something to make me immediately see I need to spam the melee attack to be able to shoot again. Its easy to not notice when in the thick of combat.

It'd be nice to have unique icons for abilities and the ultimate. The lightning bolt and star for everyone is a bit disappointing. They're small icons so obviously you can't go crazy art-wise, but I'm sure you could come up with something more than lightning bolt/star. Also, I don't know if this has changed since the beta, but I wish I could hover over the ability icon for a character to read about what it does as opposed to hitting escape/navigating menus. Seems standard in other games like risk or rain or league of legends.

My partner suggested that in the workshop, she'd like it if while she is picking weapon upgrades, she could see what characters start with/can use what weapon types. Yes, I am aware that some characters use heavy weapons and some use smaller weapons. It would just be nice to know at a glance who will benefit when she purchases the weapon upgrade, as she hasn't unlocked everyone or played everyone enough times to have memorized who is a heavy versus light weapon user. She'd find it helpful if the weapon page for, using an example, the huntin' rifle said something like: "Zed and Blaze's starter weapon. Equipable by Zed, Cartie, Comrade, Blaze"