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Multiplayer Join Complications

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4 months ago
Jan 20, 2024, 11:44:13 AM


So after trying to play a game with randoms from the Discord server i noticed some complications regarding, joining and inviting strangers to a game.

Manly that it is not Possible.

I play on PC via Steam. Now inviting friends into a game is easy, since you can just invite them via steam into a private game. 

But if you want to invite players from outside the friends lists, it gets more complicated.

Currently there are two ways, either send a friend request via steam and then invite them just as above described or create a public lobby and let the join via the random server search.

Problem with the first option is:

- You might not want a stranger being your steam friend (Maybe the game didn't end well and you don't like eachother)

- If your'e trying to play with a friend from outside of steam or epic (Crossplay) inviting is then impossible

Problem with the second option:

- Anyone can join the game, even if not intended (As it happend with my game, another group tried to start the game but their player always joind our group so or third person couldn't join until he was kicked and then luckily our mate joined in time)

- If there would be more games it would joining via the random join would probably be Impossible 

Solutions in my Opinion:

- Have a server Browser, in which the open games (in the selected region) are shown and the intended game can be joined (also helps with crossplay from console to PC)

- Password protected public games to prevent unwanted joins

Nice to have would also be the possibility to create invites via Discord, considering that there is an Amplitude Discord with an Endless Dungeon @lfg channel.

If someone has similar experiences please note in comments. 

I do believe this is a major Problem, since games and especially this game thrive from Multiplayer experiences and the more complicated joining is, the less likely it will be played together.

Hope this helps.

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