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ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

Solved: Shake your Foundations (Legit)

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5 years ago
Feb 26, 2019, 2:35:57 AM

Shake your Foundations

Deal 1 000 000 damage with Tremors over any number of playthroughs.

581,390 / 1,000,000

- I uses Mykara Vs Cultists (I play Easy for this set up)

- Turn off all the victory conditions

- Set all timers to 15 seconds (turn timer and battle timer). 

- Tame all 3 Urkans, put them in tremors mode. Remember you have to put them far enough from the city so they don't get involved in the battle (Otherwise they would stop Tremors)

- Put few more units sieging the city (not a lot, just a couple, less animations)

- Go to sleep. Wake up. Profit. 

It took me about 125 turns to reach this set up, so at 15 secs per turn is not much time.

Any question, feel free to ask. (Now I hope they wouldn't nerf this achievement in the next patch ahahaha)

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5 years ago
Mar 2, 2019, 9:38:51 AM

You are welcome, now I am sitting here with 3 achievements left... Cage match is the hardest one for me since I don't play much MP.

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5 years ago
Mar 3, 2019, 5:21:13 PM
DayStalker wrote:

You are welcome, now I am sitting here with 3 achievements left... Cage match is the hardest one for me since I don't play much MP.

Intersting guide, super cheesy, but at least this achievement is technically possible if they don't fix it in the next patch.

The easiest way to get Cage match and basically the only way to get Madder Than Max is to go into a multiplayer game with a friend and have them be RV and plant then uproot their city and declare on them as soon as you have the influence. Kill their one city while it's walking and you get both achievements. 

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5 years ago
Mar 4, 2019, 5:02:04 AM
KnsCtyShufl wrote:
DayStalker wrote:

You are welcome, now I am sitting here with 3 achievements left... Cage match is the hardest one for me since I don't play much MP.

Intersting guide, super cheesy, but at least this achievement is technically possible if they don't fix it in the next patch.

The easiest way to get Cage match and basically the only way to get Madder Than Max is to go into a multiplayer game with a friend and have them be RV and plant then uproot their city and declare on them as soon as you have the influence. Kill their one city while it's walking and you get both achievements. 

Madder Than Max is possible to get it by yourself, but cage match I need another player no matter what... atm no friends play this game. Also find public online match is hard too and most of them use ELCP... I don't. :(

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