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Endless Legend
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ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

Urkans can be embarked through a bug

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a year ago
Jan 20, 2023, 7:30:04 AM

Urkans (in my case, Fakir), which I tamed before developing the technology needed to embark land units, after researching the embarkation technology have the ability to go down to the water - an obvious bug, since, if it were not for the pre-planned movement path and the ability to automatically order the unit to execute pre-planned orders, I would not have been able to give it any orders. After trying to give the order to go back ashore on its own, the Urkan was unresponsive. once I tried to give the order to go back ashore on my own, the Urkan did not respond.

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a year ago
Jan 23, 2023, 5:04:39 AM

Endless Legend is no longer supported by Amplitude, you should try reporting this to the ELCP guy and see if he has fixed it/can fix it.

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a year ago
Feb 14, 2023, 12:48:25 PM
maraddor wrote:

Urkans (in my case, Fakir), which I tamed before developing the technology needed to embark land units, after researching the embarkation technology have the ability to go down to the water - an obvious bug, since, if it were not for the pre-planned movement path and the ability to automatically order the unit to execute pre-planned orders, I would not have been able to give it any orders. After trying to give the order to go back ashore on its own, the Urkan was unresponsive. once I tried to give the order to go back ashore on my own, the Urkan did not respond.

Pretty sure I still run into this bug from time to time even with ELCP, so I second reporting it to LEB on the ELCP Discord

Grabbed this link from the Amp Discord, in theory it takes you to ELCP - https://discord.com/channels/227126593754103810/381082964554940417/445927084376719370

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