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ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

[1.7.5] Display bugs? Urkan taming price + Stockpile usage effect on current building in a city

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5 years ago
May 6, 2019, 5:36:48 AM

I just found the forum, so I try to report these from my memory - I hope they are reproducable (reloading the turn didn't fix them). I'm also a newbie, so I really hope I didn't just misunderstood something.

  • Urkan taming price: the price display was different in the Urkan tooltip on the map (less) than in the Urkan taming window: as it turned out the luxury price in the taming window (the bigger one) was the correct one (maybe 15 vs 25?)
  • I was building a legendary building: it displayed around 30 turns left, then I used a work stockpile on the city and it went down to 6, then at the next turn it displayed around 18. As I used many stockpiles this way, this happened every time: went down to a very small number, then corrected itself on the next turn.
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5 years ago
May 6, 2019, 7:58:36 AM

Thanks for the report.

We're already aware of the issue with the Urkan label.

The second issue is working as designed. The bonus from stockpiles lasts only one turn, so as the turn processes the bonus is applied to the construction, then the Industry of your city returns to normal (which is why you end up at 18 turns instead of 29 even though the original prediction was 30 turns.) However, I believe you can apply multiple stockpiles to extend the duration.

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5 years ago
May 6, 2019, 4:16:30 PM

Thank you for the quick answer.

What I don't understand is why it goes down to 6 until the next turn. Maybe I descripbed it wrong, so the steps with made up numbers:

  1. start building something big
  2. it displays example 40 turns remaining
  3. switch to summary
  4. use a work stockpile on the city
  5. switch back to the map
  6. it displays something small and not valid, like 6
  7. end turn
  8. in the next turn, now it displays the real turns remaining, like 28

So for me after I have used the stockpile the expected number is 28. So if I spend another one in this turn it would go down again to 16 with this example.

When it happened, because of this I didn't want to use more than one stockpile per turn, as I always afraid what would happen: may break the game, or at this rate it would give me the building in next turn (this would be cheating for me :). Next time I might try it if it helps.

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