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Making Appetite for Dust work for custom factions

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8 years ago
May 15, 2016, 6:40:14 PM

I've been trying to get Appetite for Dust working with custom (non Broken Lords) factions, I got it working pretty smoothly, tho two things I've failed to understand/fix:

- As the FactionTraitBrokenLords2 touches on so many areas (tech, buildings and edict plans), is it possible to do away with requiring a affinity value: [CODE].../ClassEmpire,AffinityBrokenLords[/CODE]
Instead would it be possible to have a check that's based on if the custom race uses the custom trait:

- I can't get the food icons on tiles to be removed, they simply display 0 all over the place.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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8 years ago
May 16, 2016, 8:19:40 AM

Here are some answers:

- Not sure to understand the purpose of it but the code will have to be


- Unfortunately the display of the digit 0 is not automatically erased on the terrain. There is no way to hide it.

I hope it helps,
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