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ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

Updated Map Creation Tutorial?

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3 years ago
Jan 23, 2021, 1:52:28 AM

Today I saw the "Endless Legend™ Definitive Edition" on Steam and thought, that a "Definitive Edition" should have a good map editor.

Now that the game is definitive, it would make sense to have definitive modding options.

While there are still ways to somehow create a map for the game, the original map creation tutorial from 2015 doesn't work anymore:

Map Creation Tutorial

With some workarounds it's still possible to get the example map to run, but the provided assets are outdated.

I was trying to create my own map and ran into the following issues:

1. The provided example map is not compatible with the newest Tiled version:

The Map Creation Tutorial recommends using Tiled for creating custom maps.

When using the newest Tiled version, the custom maps .xml file has to be manually edited to be able to load the map.

This is very inconvenient and could be fixed with an updated example file.

2. Some assets are not available anymore:

I've created a testmap with every single Asset and object in it.

Turns out some of the assets from the example file are not in the game anymore, or the internal ID has changed over the years.

An updated example file or a complete asset list (for implementing it by myself) would be very helpful.

3. No DLC content:

There are guides for adding the Tempest DLC to the map creator,

- Tiled Source Map Anomaly Update

- Adding Tempest DLC POI's to TILED Files

but it would still be very helpful to have access to all assets from every DLC.

4. Poor and outdated documentation (The most important one!):

I looked through lots of forum posts and many of the links are dead and tips are outdated.

A proper documentation for modding, especially for the map creation, is something that I would really like to see.

This would be helpful if the modding guides won't be supported anymore, so that the modders could create tools and guides by themselves.

So in conclusion, what I'm asking for is if some of the devs could give us up-to-date map creation tools, or at least a good documentation for it.

Is there any chance that the guide from 2015 will be updated with all the available assets from the DLCs?

I know that Endless Legend is already seven years old, and the main focus lies on the current games.

But having a better modding support could bring more players back to the game and maybe even increase sales for the definitive edition.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 7, 2021, 9:57:19 PM


By which I mean, I've released a set of .tmx templates that should make it much easier to create new maps that are compatible with the latest version of Endless Legend (although ELCP is strongly recommended), along with some documentation and the xml files needed to create a mod that makes your new map available in-game. Just click the link above to read more.

Updated 3 years ago.
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