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ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

Which factions would you most like to see return for EL2?

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5 years ago
Feb 11, 2019, 5:17:05 PM

Hi, for a bit of fun I thought I would set up a poll for which factions you would like to see make a return for a potential EL2 game. I have done the poll on strawpoll as you can only have up to 10 choices when making a poll on these forums. 

I have allowed for you to choose multiple factions but I would suggest choosing a maximum of 6 if you really can't decide but the fewer the better for a clearer result of which factions people consider their favourites as of now.


Above is a link to the poll, have fun.

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5 years ago
Feb 11, 2019, 5:48:26 PM

The factions I find most unique in terms of strong identity and gameplay are Necrophages, Broken Lords, Cultists, Vaulters, Roving Clans, Morgawr, Forgottens, Allayis and Mykaras.

The more unbalanced and unique a faction (such as the Necrophages), the more interesting and original it is to play.

The factions I find the flatter and vanilla (gameplay, not lore necessarely) as they say, are the Wild Walkers, the Ardent Mages the Drakkens and Kapaku (whose terraforming mechanism is far below what we would have hoped).

I do not know if there is an attractive market for an Endless Legend 2. Maybe the acquisition by Sega will open access to the Asian market ?

In any case there are few 4X of the kind of Endless Legend, so I hope so.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Feb 11, 2019, 10:19:09 PM

If I could have 3 it would be the Broken Lords, Cultists and Drakken. Broken Lords just conceptually and aesthetically are awesome and have cool mechanics without being horribly complicated. Same goes for the Cultists really and as for the Drakken I just think they're cool and fun to play even if they don't have some crazy out there mechanics like some other factions. I feel not every faction has to be niche and complex to be fun. I just set up the poll to see what everyone else thought though and thought it could be an interesting discussion.

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5 years ago
Feb 12, 2019, 6:43:33 AM

Kapaku because they apparently created a small part of Auriga to live on as everything iced around them.

Lotta potential their, the fire and ice dynamic is perfect.

Equally likewise, the Allayi, I doubt they'd die to some eternal winter, they survived the Endless, they can survive this.

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5 years ago
Feb 12, 2019, 7:46:27 AM

Roaving clans for sure. Having said that their gameplay needs to be much improved. They should feel more like a nomadic but trade focus faction and more easy time depending on merceneries. 

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5 years ago
Feb 12, 2019, 11:56:59 PM

That's like forcing you to pick your favourite child D:

That said, if I had to pick my favourite 3 it would be Morgawr, Necrophages and Allayi. Still, I would be happy with any returning faction since they are all so unique

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5 years ago
Feb 13, 2019, 6:20:34 PM

Definitely Allayi, I feel it'd be a crime to have Auriga without her children! Love everything about them from gameplay design, their aesthetic both of them and their architecture and their lore. I'd dare say they're the most unique looking faction in the game, everyone feels like they've atleast got some obvious inspiration or aesthetic that connects, but I feel Allayi is really hard to nail their overall aesthetic on anything else in typical fantasy.

Most of the factions I wanna see though, I feel the only one I'm "Meh" about is Wild Walkers, probably mostly cause their gameplay design is rather boring and generic, but even then I feel they're not very special. The only thing I find cool about them is they're meant to be kinda like elves but contrary to their tropes they're really good at expanding and building.

I think the one's we're likely to see though are Vaulters, Necrophage and probably Broken Lords, they're quite iconic to EL. Especially since one of them looks like they got EL's icon as their faction icon! Vaulters are Amplitudes favorite child and kinda the protagonists of EL and Necrophage just cause it's become such an iconic Amplitude "villains" in how you can see simularities in them and Cravers

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Feb 13, 2019, 7:19:53 PM

Ardent Mages! Power through masochism! I will cut myself and burn all who stand in my way.

Join me in the ecstasy of contrition and mortification.

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5 years ago
Jun 11, 2019, 2:42:55 PM

I don't think I could even live without Broken Lords and Cultists. Other than that, I like playing Vaulters and I really like the concepts behind the Ardent Mages and the Roving Clans. The Drakken are interesting too, the Allayi could be interesting but after seeing that little intro video of theirs, I just came to hate them with a passion. I'm not really sure why, but they really irk me.

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5 years ago
Jun 11, 2019, 2:58:08 PM

I realy like how the Allayi playing, bace on exploration.

i would even like it there was a expansion bace on exploration in ES2 :)

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jun 11, 2019, 9:26:07 PM

I enjoy the Allayi thematically more than any of the factions.  They're winter souls and so am I, so I just kind of see a kinship in them.  I find the broken lords to be mechanically approachable and very focused in that they can tunnel vision on dust production and leverage it in ways no one else can.  I like the Drakken because they're steadfast, sturdy and more interested in uniting the world than sundering it--and they're friggin' dragons, man.

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5 years ago
Jun 17, 2019, 6:29:25 PM

Considering their storyline endings in EL:

Necrophages - Kill a bunch of people, bury eggs beneath the crust to ensure return once Auriga thaws.

10/10 - will return practically unchanged.

Broken Lords - Build magical superdust generator to weather the the darkest season.

9/10 - will return having undergone cultural shift.

Ardent Mages - Undergo extremely superstition-filled process of virtualization.

8/10 - will return but very different.

Roving Clans - the tale of some dude making a killing.

0/10 - they ded.

Vaulters - Some fled into space. Some stayed behind to be swarmed by necrophages.

11/10 - Vaulters are the lovechild of this setting.

Morgawr - free themselves of their bonds and gains more freedom to walk the land? Dunno how they deal with the long winter.

5/10 - Unclear. Could return as a minor faction for all I know.

Drakken - leaders mind-controlled into serving the original tasks given by the endless.

4/10 - Minor factioned. They had their time in the spotlight. Give us diplodaemons next.

Mykara - endless cycle of retreating back into the crust and emerging along with the Urkans.

6/10 - Could come back if EL2 happens at the time of the Urkan's return, otherwise, sits out.

Cultists - Supercity of religious unity.

7/10 - If they make an RPG of it this, it would be the central hub of the game.

Forgotten - couple murders, edgy power in the shadows talk.

4/10 - Does not actually deal with the matter of the apocalypse in any way, shape or form. But Vaulter related, could come back? Dunno.

Allayi - Mops around, goes back into hiding can handle winter fairly well by default.

8/10 - Minor cultural changes likely.

Kapaku - learns the wonders of sharing. Also live in hellscape.

9/10 - Probably turn evil due to fantastic racism.

Wild Walkers - build glorious monument. Lampshades the prospect of turning into a ruin of a dead empire.

1/10 - Long lost dead elves. Minor faction'd at best.

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5 years ago
Jul 29, 2019, 2:29:19 PM

Well since these games launch with 8 major factions at release, and as we saw with Endless Space 2, Endless Legend 2 would have at least 2-3 brand new factions with 5-6 returning factions from the previous game. Right now Endless Legend has 13 major factions, so even if all 8 factions were returning factions, 5 would have to go away to minor factions, some sort of threat/crisis, or just plain dead. Also DLC factions will likely not return as a DLC for Endless Legend 2 so the more of them that return as a major at launch the better.

The factions I recommend are: Allayi, Necrophages, Vaulters, Mykara, Ardent Mages, Kapaku, and only 2 new factions at launch. I know I leftout the Broken Lords but that's because they should be the first DLC, like how the Vaulter were in Endless Space 2. The Cultist I would also like to see as a DLC with some newer mechanics. So that's 6 returning at launch and 2 as DLC. The rest would not return at least not as a major faction.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Aug 30, 2019, 7:26:48 AM

Since Endless Legend is my fav Amplitude Studios game, I would like to see a sequel, but I have to state the obvious:

There can't be a sequel... not on Auriga at least.

The Auriga scenario was truly one of the best video game/design/story experiences of my life, but it's done, you can't have a sequel there. That story has been told.  

 If there is an Endless legend sequel, it has to be on a different planet, on some other corner of the galaxy.

The only races that could be used again are the heavily modified ones - done directly by the Endless (like the Hisso), and not unique to Auriga.

To conclude, I would like to see a sequel, but I'd rather prefer new and interesting factions, with a few familiar ones, as described above.

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5 years ago
Oct 6, 2019, 10:33:27 AM

I think there is always a market for a 4X fantasy and magic component. But it would be a concurrent in the CIv market, the Humankind market, which is a direct competitor of Civilization VI.

It's hard to imagine an EL 2 coexisting with a Mankind, because the difference between the two is rather small. It will depend on how the market will work.

If that's the case, the new franchise of the Lord Rings developed by Amazon will be so great, that Amplitude will rush to make a game of heroic fantasy taking over the mechanisms of Endless Legend. : D

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4 years ago
Nov 10, 2019, 11:37:28 PM

As an analogue of the lords of dust in AS2 there is a faction of the watery, but I would like to see these all-consuming knights in armor, with honor and dignity.

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