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ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

Wild Walkers weak units?

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3 years ago
Jan 17, 2021, 1:38:56 PM

Hey folks,

I wonder if Im doing something wrong here (likely :P). I have about 26 hours into the game, I own all expansions and I play on easy (for now). I've been hardcore civ fan from version 1 onwards but the latest is such a disappointment I needed something else.

I played several factions to try them out. I find most starter units to be somewhat weak and lacklustre but oke, I guess its fine for starters. Then I decided to try Roving Clans, mercantile and nomadic who can't declare war on others. Yet, I find their starter units to be the strongest of them all (almost 200 turns into the game and I haven't lost a single unit yet).

Then I wanted to try Wild Walkers because of their production bonus on forest tiles. Why are their units so incredibly weak? Every fight I loose at least one unit, often 2. I attacked a village with 2 units in them with an army of 4, 2 starter rangers and 2 T2 units (cant recall their name). I lost 1 starter unit and 1 new T2 unit. I also lost units with the starter hero in the army.

I think I'll go back to playing Roving Clans (I have no desire to declare war or fight my way to victory), but it makes me wonder, is there some technique to the Wild Walker units?

I try to move them to a distance (they do seem to have their own mind on moving around though) and shoot from farthest tile away. I also try to use land barriers (cliffs, when they are there).


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3 years ago
Jan 17, 2021, 4:38:24 PM
Wild walkers are rather squishy and need to be microd during battle. However they are ranged, so if you use them correctly and tank with your hero or melee units, you shouldnt really lose anything. They just need more experience to use correctly.
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3 years ago
Jan 18, 2021, 11:58:58 AM

Thanks, yes prob is often the enemy units have enough movement points to go around the hero or other tank units.

Also, my units seem to move in ways beyond my comprehension and I dont really see a way to better control their movement, short of choosing 'hold ground' at the beginning. But when I do that, I cant seem to move my units before each turn?  So that makes combat more difficult.

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3 years ago
Jan 18, 2021, 9:50:36 PM

Pretty sure even if you select offensive, you can the tell each unit individually to hold ground and give them appropriate commands. There is also an option in the menu for having combat be controllable per turn. Check to see if that is turned on.

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