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Endless Legend
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ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

Questions and a suggestion

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8 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 12:16:14 AM


1) How do I have a unit target itself during manual combat? I know I have done it, but I don't remember how.

2) I have tried to use the search feature in your forums and have been frustrated. No matter how I try to search I get a response that includes related answers for games I don't want to include in my search. I can believe I am doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what it is, can you please explain how to me?

The suggestion: Let me start off by saying I love both endless space and legend. I may have wasted spent more time with EL than any computer game I have ever played and I am not a kid. But there is one thing that really bothers me and I have heard this complaint from many other players. Your documentation is really awful. There are so many questions I have been forced to hunt for or post it is ridiculous. Please understand I am not talking about strategy. These are most often searches for how something works. My question above is an example.

Another brainteaser I ran into was what exactly was going on in regards to my militia and there leveling up(or down). I could never figure out what was happening(either by myself or by looking for it with google and similar tools) when I came across a recent posting that answered this (assuming the answer was correct). He said that militia reset to level 1 when you advance to a new age. I meant to ask him where he found his answer because I never could. I was about to report it as a bug.

I spent  many years in the computer industry as a computer operator, programmer, software tester and documentation writer. I have run into poor documentation in many places. Inside the code where it was completely absent all the way up to user manuals that failed to explain key parts of the software to the user. These included a whole variety of  software. As much as I enjoy your games I have to include your software in with these products. I have gotten more information from player made manuals and by searching for answers on the web than I ever got from your manual. I have wasted a lot of time doing this and I really shouldn't have to.

My suggestions includes the following:

1) When somebody creates a guide that should tell you there is a problem with your documentation. Someone needs to take these guides and incorporate them into your game manual.

2) When someone posts a question consider whether you may have a documentation problem and decide whether to include the information in your manual in the appropriate place.

3) Whenever you release a dlc/expansion update the manual.

As I said above, I think some of your games are really outstanding. I think the 2 games I have played(ES and EL) could be described as somewhat complex. Good documentation isn't really an option but a necessity. If  you are concerned with the time needed to do this please consider the benefits. You would probably have to answer a lot less questions and I think most of your customers would be happier with your product. Looking at it from the company side it seems like a win-win situation.

Thank you for answering my questions and reading over my suggestions. I really enjoy your products and I wish you success.

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8 years ago
Aug 22, 2016, 12:20:20 PM

1) Interesting... didn't know it is possible.

2) There is a search function... Greyed out text in the middle of the top. Didn't find it, yet. Big thanks to you.

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8 years ago
Aug 22, 2016, 4:17:49 PM

Hi Groo. Yes you can. The case where I want do this is I want a healer to heal himself. Another might be for a unit to use it's enhancement 

ability on itself.

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8 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 7:38:21 PM

I understood immediately for what you would use it. Self-buff and self-healing, sure. Would be interesting to experience how it works. You still tried to combine ctrl, shift and/or alt in connection with left/right mouse click to find out ? If I have time, I'll try to.

Funny, didn't even know how to "log out" from forum. Hover over name ("view my profile"), left click and then log out in following screen. I'm feeling atm like a child discovering the world.

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8 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 6:57:39 PM
Groo wrote:

Funny, didn't even know how to "log out" from forum. Hover over name ("view my profile"), left click and then log out in following screen. I'm feeling atm like a child discovering the world.

I never log out ^^

But yes, this forum is kinda unique. Though it has a few quirks left, I enjoy it a lot !

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