here is my submission for the contest. please let me know it there are any problems

prerequisites: player must own at least 6 planets and one hero.

note: now the quests must take place on the player's owned planets to avoid interaction with other players.

Title: The Endless Waltz part 1


Today started like any other on your home world until a trade ship began to enter its atmosphere. It hit your capital city at a faction of the speed of light, creating a crater visible from space. After the devastation was cleaned up you are left with questions. Who did this? Why? An informant has come forward claiming to have the movement logs from the crashed ship. But there is still debate on the course of action. Should we defend our weakened capital or bring the perpetrators to justice?

Objective 1a:

Move to the indicated system with a large fleet commanded by a hero.

Objective 1b:

Move to your home world with a large fleet commanded by a hero and defend the capital for 5 turns.

Outcome 1a:

You have found the informant but who is he really working for?

Reward: +50 dust

Outcome 1b:

The capital is safe but how long until this group attacks again?

Reward: +5 happiness on the home world

Title: The Endless Waltz: Part 2a


They call themselves Anathema. You meet with the informant and to your surprise, he is a member of that group. He explains that corruption is rampant in the empire, slowly destroying it form the inside out. Evidence he gives you points to powerful and influential leaders, including fleet officers. Their greed caused the tragedy on your home world. They need your help to attack to retake the government. Do you help them save the empire or bring them these murderers to justice?

Objective 2a:

Send a fleet with a hero to x star system to join the attack against your home world.

Objective 2b:

Find the real base to confront the leader. Go to the marked system with a fleet commanded by a hero.

Outcome 2a:

You join the fleet. They have a number of advanced ships ready and waiting for you to command them. Your excitement is growing. In a few days you will put an end to the parasites that have been plaguing the empire for decades. But in the back of your mind a thought grows "are you doing the right thing”?

Reward: +50 dust

Outcome 2b:

You search the system and find a cluster of sophisticated asteroid bases. You scanners light up as ships emerge from the asteroids but they don’t attack. It’s time to meet the man behind the act.

Reward: +5 titanium-70

Title: The Endless Waltz: Part 2b


Things have finally quieted down. Mourning has stopped. An investigation reviled a lax security system along with corruption by low level officers that these people were able to abuse. The responsible parties have been fired or sent to prison. Speeches were made commemorating the dead and promising to prevent all such acts of terrorism. Still nobody knows who committed it the attack. Just as people were starting to relax they came back with a huge fleet. Let them come, we are ready.

Objective 2c:

Survive the battle with the enemy fleet


You survived there attack. From the wrecks you were able to salvage a navigation computer. Hopefully you can find where they came from and end this once and for all.

Reward: +5 hexaferrum

Title: The Endless Waltz: Part 3a


The time has come to attack our home world. There is too much is at stake and we cannot fail. Every person in the empire is counting on us even if they don’t know it. If we fail, those parasites will destroy everything we love. They know we are coming and have prepared a meager force to oppose us. But that will not stop us. Today we restore the future, that was stolen from us.

Objective 3a:

Attack the enemy fleet on your home world.

Outcome 3a:

The fleet was destroyed. You and the Anathema are hailed as heroes. In bringing the corrupted officials to justice, a large about of dust was discovered.

Reward: +x smiley: dust

Note: the second part of this reward is the fleet of Anathema ships. I kind of wanted them to be special “elite” ships. They get bonus damage and have bonus health if possible. Third part is optional because I don’t know how the political system would work. It should be a reset of the political system and you get to choose how to distribute the points in the new system.

End 1:

It’s been some time since we ended the rule of the corrupt government. I thought things would get better but instead they got worst. It has not been a smooth transition. Millions have died from the civil war and trials sentences. A few corrupt officials escaped the battle and are probably plotting their return. The Anathema, the people who killed millions, have escaped justice. How could I let this brutal system replace the previous one? How could I become a tyrant that replaced the old ones?

Title Endless Waltz: Part 3b


The man you meet is not a sociopath that wants to murder everyone or a pirate out for dust or fame, he is a man. One who wants to help the empire from crippling corruption. He is a patriot and dedicated to making the empire a better place. He again asks for your help but your turn him down. In the end you must believe is a set of core values; justice, freedom, and liberty. These people broke those values.

Objective 3b:

Convince the leader to stand trial for his actions. Stay at the system for 2 turns.

Note: I wanted to have some sort of “wit” check were if the wit on the hero was not high enough at the beginning of the third turn they would attack you and you would get the 3rd ending/ outcome. I think it’s a cool idea but it might punish the player too much/randomly.

Outcome 3b:

The leader stands trail for his actions. In the process of trying him, you find and capture the members of the corrupt government. You confiscate a large amount of dust and as a result, their activities no longer drain the economy.


permanent +x% smiley: dust per turn and – x% smiley: industry cost. +y smiley: dust

End 2:

It’s been some time since the end of the trials. Because of the evidence and testimony all of the corrupt officials were sent to prison. The Anathema leader had saved the empire but also killed a few million citizens. He was executed for his role in the attack. Members of the Anathema loved their leader and fled, vowed to seek vengeance. How could someone justify killing so many to end corruption? Where is the protection from corruption when it will come back?

Title: The Endless Waltz: Part 3c


The timing on this attack was too perfect. They used the same ships and they had mastered our tactics. This was not some band of pirates, they had an agenda maybe a political one. We need more time to understand them. But pressure is growing from politicians to finish the group off. Something does not add up. Whatever it is, you don’t have time to find out. The location of the base has been discovered from the salvage. It’s time to end this.

Objective 3c:

Send a fleet with a hero to x system and destroy the fleet.

Outcome 3c:

The rebels are wiped out. Their advanced ships and well trained crew are gone. Their base, while damaged, housed some interesting data but It will take some time to go through.


5 free technologies

End 3:

It’s been some time since Anathema was defeated. I wanted to find some good in the group’s actions and understand them. Now I have finally uncovered the truth. They had evidence that points to corruption in politicians, the wealthy, and in military command. The officials wanted a speedy end to the group and silence any information they had. Now everything they collected is useless. What can I do? I have always tried to do the right thing. Should I support a corrupt system or restart the Anathema?

Frogsquadron wrote:
- Please limit your description to 500 characters. This includes spaces! :)


Frogsquadron wrote:
- Outcome 3B is an effect, not a reward.

edited it to be convey the out come better

Frogsquadron wrote:
- Outcome 3C seems to be missing altogether?

moved it to a move logical place

Frogsquadron wrote:
- You have one too many choices in objectives (only up to two chapters with choices)

i am a little confused on the choices can you only have 2 total or if chapter 2a and 2b have choices that counts as one chapter have a choice?

Frogsquadron wrote:
- You do need rewards, however small, to each objective completion. :)

added rewards

Frogsquadron wrote:
- It is possible to have the prerequisites you specify, but that would reduce significantly the chances for your quest to trigger.
made prerequisites more generalized

anything else?

Note: I don’t know what will happen if a person does not successfully defend or attack in the quest. Will they be given another go or will they fail the quest? Personally I feel that there should always be a possibility of failure, not one that makes the mission impossible.