Title: "Failed Immortality"

This Quest is activated when a fleet with a Hero enters a system.

Chapter 1:

Upon entering the system, your Hero's fleet detects a small probe containing the following message: "All I wanted was to be immortal. Is that too much to ask? I'm trying to transfer my consciousness to a special Dust infused drone that will last forever. If you have found this probe it means I have failed and the automatic safeguards have been enacted. Find me at the coordinates stored in the probe and save me if you can." The coordinates lead to a small moon of one of the systems planets. At the location your Hero find an alien life form with leads going from what appears to be it's head to some strange machinery and then to a small drone. The alien has been cryogenically frozen but the hardware sustaining it appears to be failing.

Obj 1 : Try to correct the machinery by using power from one of your ships in the hopes of finishing the transfer to the drone.

Obj 2: Ignore the alien and study the drone instead. It's probably a lost cause at this point. Besides, that drone sure does have a lot of Dust in it.

Chapter 2A: You send power from one of your ships to the machinery as best you can. Warning lights start to flash. Something it still not working correctly. The alien appears to be dying. Your Hero decides that there may be much that can be learned from this alien and quickly grabs the leads from the drone unit and attaches them to his own head to try to absorb what's left of the aliens mind. The information comes far too fast and there is far more than expected. Your Hero can only keep a little of the information if he concentrates on a specific subject and ignores all others. What should he concentrate on?

obj 3: Have your hero concentrate on anything relating to science.

END 1: You Hero is able to keep some of the scientific knowledge from the alien mind (Unlock one Science Technology. Hero gains a level.)

obj 4: Have your hero concentrate on where the alien has been in it's travels.

END 2: Your hero is able to concentrate on the aliens movements throughout it's life. (X% of galaxy map is revealed. Hero gains a level.)

Chapter 2B: You remove the drone from the system and realize it could either be kept intact for further study or it could be very unskillfully dismantled for it's parts and Dust.

obj 5: Get that dust!

END 3: You destroy the drone and grab all the dust and usable metal you can. (+200 smiley: dust , +20 Titanium)

obj 6: Keep the drone intact for further study.

END 4: You keep the drone intact for study and send it to the capital. Your engineers marvel at it's construction and can incorporate some of the ideas into your ship designs. (+1 Support module on fleet , +1 fleet related technology)


Wish I could have more options for what the Hero can concentrate on but we are limited to 2 :)

Forgive me for the flow chart. I know it's horrible.

the +1 level to the Hero could just be (+X exp) to get him to the next level.

I wasn't sure if giving the entire galaxy map would be too much. Could it be set to a random part? X% of a random part of galaxy?

Some of this may need to be altered :)


Should I unlock a TYPE of support module on ships? OR can I add a support module to all the ships in the fleet (this too much?)

Also are there fleet technologies? Like the ones in ES1 that added tonnage to ships etc? or should I make that a random Industrial tech unlock?