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Endless Space 2
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ENDLESS™ Space 2 is turn-based 4X space-strategy that launches players into the space colonization age of different civilizations within the ENDLESS™ Universe. Your Vision. Their Future.

Automated AI Planet Governors

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6 years ago
Feb 23, 2018, 8:07:03 PM

Am I the only one so frustrated with late games micromanagement and the uselessness of Automated Planet Governors?

I can´t even play huge galaxies for the fear of having to micromanage a lot of planets in late game, or else having to let them rot in the incapable hands of automated governors that also get stuck in infinite buildings.

Also, one of the features that even disappeared from ES1 to ES2 is the Balanced AI Governor (the other one that bothers me so much is the rally point for newly created fleets).

ES1 did a decent job at least.

Now I´d like to ask: is this something that will ever be taken into account in any future patch?

(and fleet rally points... ?)

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6 years ago
Feb 25, 2018, 11:44:13 PM

I couldnt agree more. You set the auto-governer to a type, it builds all of its buildings and is 'done' so you then switch ot the next type and it changes all the planet specializations which is really annoying, before building the next set of buildings. You have to cycle through all the governer types so its just a pointless feature. I just want a governer that builds 'all' the buildings and have a basic type such that it will build that certain type of building first followed by all the rest of the buildings.

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6 years ago
Feb 26, 2018, 12:18:01 AM

From what i could see in the xml files, there is a balanced governor, but it is disabled for the player. I remember that there was governor mods back in ES1 and there was quite a lot that could be tweaked with them. Es2 governors look like this :

<!-- FOOD -->
<SystemSupervisorDefinition Name="SystemSupervisorFood">
<Policy CanQueueConstructions="true" CanMovePopulations="true"/>
<Gain Name="Food"      Weight="2.0"/>
<Gain Name="Approval"  Weight="0.1"/>
<Gain Name="Industry"  Weight="0.3"/>
<Gain Name="Dust"      Weight="0.2"/>
<Gain Name="Science"   Weight="0.1"/>
<Gain Name="Prestige"  Weight="0.1"/>
<Gain Name="Military"  Weight="0.1"/>

Not much room to tweak anything but the weights...

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6 years ago
Feb 26, 2018, 1:06:06 AM
Cleon2 wrote:

Also, one of the features that even disappeared from ES1 to ES2 is the Balanced AI Governor (the other one that bothers me so much is the rally point for newly created fleets).

(and fleet rally points... ?)

Wait there are fleet rally points? (I can't unitalic)

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 26, 2018, 7:43:00 PM

I meant that in ES1 we had Fleet Rally Points and from a layman perspective it seemed such a simple but very useful feature that the fact that has been left out of ES2 puzzles me.

But I am not a developer.

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6 years ago
Feb 26, 2018, 7:48:25 PM
Foraven wrote:

From what i could see in the xml files, there is a balanced governor, but it is disabled for the player. I remember that there was governor mods back in ES1 and there was quite a lot that could be tweaked with them. Es2 governors look like this :

<!-- FOOD -->
<SystemSupervisorDefinition Name="SystemSupervisorFood">
<Policy CanQueueConstructions="true" CanMovePopulations="true"/>
<Gain Name="Food"      Weight="2.0"/>
<Gain Name="Approval"  Weight="0.1"/>
<Gain Name="Industry"  Weight="0.3"/>
<Gain Name="Dust"      Weight="0.2"/>
<Gain Name="Science"   Weight="0.1"/>
<Gain Name="Prestige"  Weight="0.1"/>
<Gain Name="Military"  Weight="0.1"/>

Not much room to tweak anything but the weights...

Thanks for your reply and hint Foraven. I do appreciate.

After re-reading my post I have seen that it looked like some sort of useless rant, so I decided to post my solution tentatives in the mod sections (you have replied there also, thanks) 

But I do miss rally points.... ;-)

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