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ENDLESS™ Space 2 is turn-based 4X space-strategy that launches players into the space colonization age of different civilizations within the ENDLESS™ Universe. Your Vision. Their Future.

[New Mod] Automation Overhaul v1.6

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2 years ago
Apr 1, 2022, 4:19:15 AM



Overhauls the entire automation system in the game:

-Automation no longer builds any Unique Buildings or Planet Specializations.

-Will automatically de-queue Infinite Research and Dust improvements after 10 turns to cycle in new improvements rather than stay stuck in queue.

-All focused automations (Food, Dust, Science, etc) now only use Common Strategic Resources to build their focus instead of wasting rare ones on everything.

-All focused automations prioritize food and industry first in order to bootstrap up to building their focus.

-Replaced Food Automation with Basic Automation since all automations prioritize food. (Except Vodyani, they ignore food buildings now.)

-Replaced Industry Automation with Advanced Automation since all automations prioritize industry.

-Added Population Rebalance option for people that want to do that automatically but still do their queue manually.

-Added Military Automation that focuses on Industry and Military.

-Only Military and Balanced Automations build Military improvements.

-Tested and works with the AI so it still builds Unique Buildings and Planet Specializations.

-Tested and works in multiplayer.

-Incompatible with mods that modify ConstructibleElement_Industry XMLs. (Like ESG and Community Bug Fix Mod)

-Compatible and tested with Sandbox Mod, Rare Elements - Palette Mod, Black Heroes, Arkon PORTAL, Arkon FLEETS - more ships.

-Feel free to re-use, modify, re-upload, and merge this mod with your own (looking at you ESG and Community Bug Fix) just credit me some where in the readme and on the steam workshop page.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Apr 1, 2022, 4:33:07 PM

Update 1.1 - Added Infinite Research and Dust Auto Queues That Will De-Queue in 10 turns to cycle in new improvements rather than stay stuck

Also added confirmation for vacating system, because why wouldn't you confirm that? lol.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Apr 8, 2022, 4:28:10 PM

Update 1.6 - Completely re-wrote all automations. Now it limits focuses to only using low tier resources so the queue doesn't get clogged because of a lack of advanced resources.

Added Vodyani specific automations that ignore food.

Added Population Rebalance option for people that want to do that automatically but still do their queue manually.

Reduced total number of automations to fix GUI problem some people were having.

More Images on the steam page:


Updated 2 years ago.
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