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Endless Space 2
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ENDLESS™ Space 2 is turn-based 4X space-strategy that launches players into the space colonization age of different civilizations within the ENDLESS™ Universe. Your Vision. Their Future.

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Remnant Hero Backstory


A few months ago, we let you vote on which minor faction would provide a hero to the new major faction, an empire struggling to recapture its former glory. The Remnant won by a narrow margin, but it may have been better this way, as we are not sure the Kal'Tik'Ma would have been long for this galaxy after winning against an order of (former) assassins...

However, an origin factions is not enough. Every proper hero needs a good origin story.  We already know where this hero came from, but when and how did he encounter this crumbling empire, how did he come to join them? There are endless possibilities, so we have prepared three for you to choose from.

Option 1

Having passed millennia of hibernation in solo contemplation of the most efficient ways of committing assassination, Nakatuan was thoroughly disoriented when, upon awakening, it found its mind coupled to all the other Remnants in existence. Their new purpose, as defined by Belcus Akad-Talar, was to build a better galaxy for the most deserving species—a contradiction to everything it believed. Roaming from system to system, it pondered. Surely if the Remnants’ creators, the Endless, had made them killing machines, then that is what they should remain? Unless… unless this change of purpose meant that the Endless were perhaps not the benevolent overlords they had seemed to be. Nakatuan was still trying to make up its mind when it came across a Nakalim evangelical mission. They helped it understand this new view of the world and how things came to be, and now, Nakatuan has adjusted its mission to coincide with that of its new friends…

Option 2

As the Endless were preparing their Lodestone Ritual, this Remnant was tasked with the assassination of several high-ranking Nakalim leaders to ensure the nascent empire would not cause any unforeseen disruptions. What should have been the crowning achievement of its career turned into its greatest failure. Gravely damaged in its attempt and stripped of its powerful weapons and gear, the assassin was left at the mercy of its supposed targets. In the months spent in rehabilitation, it studied their culture, and eventually came to adopt their faith in the Lost. Reborn in body and mind, the Remnant now known as Nakatuan set out to track down its former masters for the sins they committed against the Lost.

Option 3

Nakatuan was one of the first Remnant to awaken after their millennia of hibernation when a Nakalim expedition opened their crypt. Disoriented and alone, it saw an ancient enemy in its would-be saviors and lashed out at them, though they quickly subdued it. With its Endless masters long gone, and the rest of its people still deep in hibernation, the solitary Remnant had no purpose and no place, so the Nakalim researchers forgave its past and present transgressions and took the lost soul into their fold. Its sharp wit and ability to focus on the task at hand even in the most adverse conditions quickly earned the respect of its fellow expedition members, and eventually a position overseeing a budding colony.

Which option is your favorite, and why?

7 801 400

g2g pts

Option 1

Option 1

4 083 600

g2g pts

Option 2

Option 2

4 389 600

g2g pts

Option 3

Option 3

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5 years ago
Jul 24, 2019, 2:38:15 PM

I also liked option 1, feels like an option for more fun dialogues and crazy-to-moderated character development.

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5 years ago
Jul 24, 2019, 2:40:23 PM

1 because the other two options seem vaguely like variations of stockholm syndrome type themes.

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5 years ago
Jul 24, 2019, 4:55:02 PM

Uh, I went for option 2 just because I like the whole 'I was an assassin and I am still an assassin' angle hehe

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5 years ago
Jul 24, 2019, 5:14:36 PM

Option 1, reminds me of Pulp Fiction but with a bonus of time dilation.

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5 years ago
Jul 24, 2019, 6:13:10 PM

I went for 3.  2 seemed a bit simple and cliche'd.  I couldn't stand 1.  I am so tired of the whole "religion showed me the way" story trope.  It was going good all the way up to the whole evangelical group part.  Then it lost me.  So I went with 3.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jul 24, 2019, 7:54:28 PM
ValhallasAshes wrote:

I went for 3.  2 seemed a bit simple and cliche'd.  I couldn't stand 1.  I am so tired of the whole "religion showed me the way" story trope.  It was going good all the way up to the whole evangelical group part.  Then it lost me.  So I went with 3.

And this is why I went with 3 also.

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5 years ago
Jul 24, 2019, 8:54:47 PM

Option 1 seems the most interesting to me due to the internal delimma created by their new purpose, which seems to fly in the face of their original purpose. That's my two cents. *Shrugs*

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5 years ago
Jul 24, 2019, 11:30:21 PM

Option 1 is more artistic-lore friendly

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5 years ago
Jul 25, 2019, 1:23:20 AM

Option 1 just seems so cliche; like he "found Jesus" and so he was cured of his dilemma, that's just really overused and boring 

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5 years ago
Jul 25, 2019, 3:58:06 AM

Yeah I went with option 2. Having your eyes opened and turning your skills on your former masters seems like a good hero story.

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5 years ago
Jul 25, 2019, 5:02:57 AM

wow a lot of people saying cliche. so i will join in. option 3 yep fallen soldier connecting with the enemy after they show compassion. big cliche but a good one that works nearly everytime.

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