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My opinion and my ideas (very long text)

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2 years ago
Jul 4, 2022, 9:07:46 PM

Hi all friends, I'm really happy to play Humankind, because I think it has brought fresh new things to the 4X genre!

I would like to give some small ideas on what I would like to see improved in Humankind. I'll get right to the point:

1) I would like Science and Faith to have the growth indicator, just below those of Culture and Money, in order to always have them in the foreground, rather than being forced to open the tree of technologies and faith as happens today

2) I would like other victory conditions to be added, because at present the victories are almost all for domination and only two or three for science. This means that if the player fails to accumulate the Fame Points equal to that of the CPU, he could concentrate on smaller and more affordable "wins", instead of being forced to restart the game as we all often do.

3) I play at Nation level and slow speed (penultimate speed), maybe I am poor, but I find the game at this level very difficult even if I choose "calm" opponent AI or with normal abilities. It is not possible that as early as 1400DC, the CPU will already be able to develop and use nuclear weapons. It is true that it is a question of rewriting history .. but in this way the desire to try to fight is drastically lowered. It was said that "scientific / industrial" civilizations would be weakened, perhaps they have been weakened for the player instead of for the CPU

4) I think this point is difficult to implement, but I write it anyway. It would be interesting to be able to add building "requirements", or research, or culture so that we can choose civilizations that are "closest" to our choices without being forced into a grueling RUN to conquer your favorite civilization. Example: Ancient age, the war pushes me to make massive investments in research, building 5 research districts and using the "collective mind" bonus twice, at this point in the passage of the next epoch I will have a slightly wider choice of scientific civilizations but also the civilization of war (because as in the example I gave it was the war that pushed me to make massive investments in research). Obviously this speech can be valid for all periods, even that of the Neolithic where maybe I accumulate my first star because I can find all the scientific curiosities, or I kill all the animals (so I mainly unlock the war / expansionist civilizations), or those of the population. and I can choose agricultural ones etc. etc. for improvement.

5) Clarifications on citizens' homes. 

Example: Civilization 6 adds a dwelling, adds a citizens' house on the map whenever the population grows +1. Humankind does none of this, if you accumulate 20 citizens and don't build any districts, it will always remain and only the "city center". It is possible to deduce that the commercial / scientific districts etc etc already have inside them the homes of the citizens because each one adds a "citizen slot", but then why not change the denomination of the districts to "districts and dwellings"? example: "industrial district and housing", "agricultural district and housing", I think it would be more correct and "engaging".

Or if this cannot be achieved, why not add the construction of the citizens' houses as if it were a district without the stability penalty? Thus the population can grow based on the construction of the houses and the player will have the MAXIMUM choice to create the perfect design of his cities

6) Add more soundtracks

These are just some points that have come to mind for now, what do you think?

Updated 2 years ago.
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