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An enemy's vassal cities can be occupied indefinitely when peace is made with their liege

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3 years ago
Dec 27, 2020, 1:57:37 AM

After forcing surrender and vassalizing an enemy who has a vassal, and whose vassal's cities have been occupied, the vassal's cities are not returned and remain occupied in peacetime.

  • Steps to Reproduce: 1. Declare war on an enemy who has a vassal // 2. occupy vassal's cities // 3. force a surrender and make the enemy your vassal. // 4. observe as enemy's vassal becomes your vassal but their cities remain occupied.
  • Reproducibility: 2/2 might not have time to test 5/5 by end of opendev.
  • Expected Behavior: Enemy's vassal's cities should be returned unless otherwise negotiated.
EDIT: Somewhat reproduced on another save,when an empire who has vassals is completely destroyed, peace is automatically made with their vassal, and any of their vassal's occupied cities remained occupied with no grievances from the (former) vassal.
Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 5:41:55 AM

This just happened to me except an enemy declared peace due to being vassalized after I occupied their city and now its just stuck in occupation.

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3 years ago
Aug 24, 2021, 2:34:33 AM

I made an account just to report this bug... very annoying. My steps that caused this were very similar:

  • Steps to Reproduce: 1. Declare war on an enemy who has a vassal // 2. occupy vassal's cities // 3. force a surrender and make the enemy your vassal. // 4. observe as enemy's vassal becomes your vassal but their cities remain occupied.
  • Expected Behavior: Enemy's vassal's cities should be returned unless otherwise negotiated.
  • Further information: I was allied with the vassal before they were taken over and went to war to try and liberate them. I was hoping to give them their city back but it's just stuck as occupied post war

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3 years ago
Aug 30, 2021, 3:00:04 AM

Had it happen after a war ended.  I occupied the only territories left of the vassal.  War ended with their liege.  Vassal cities, civ stuck as occupied.

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3 years ago
Oct 4, 2021, 6:45:35 PM

Happened to me aswell, cannot do anything with the occupied city's of a defeated liege.

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