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[PC / Epic Game Store] Seed with no Crude Oil deposit (at all)

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3 years ago
Aug 20, 2021, 9:54:29 AM

Dear devs,

  1. Description:

I encountered a seed with no crude oil deposit at all (quite limitating if you're an a Mars expedition will or if you need to build a modern army with tanks, ...).

Here are the parameters I set:

Attachments:See above + attached savegame (last turn of the game) see below

auto-save 1097.ctr

Steps to Reproduce: Use the same configuration as above.


Expected Behavior: I colonized 3/4 of the planet, and no Crude Oil at all (maybe on the 1/4th left, but I decided not to wage war, for once, so...)

Thanks for your help for the future map generations :)

All the best!

Updated 3 years ago.
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