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Bug : [ STEAM / Beta 1.3.248] - Still getting into massive Desynchs with too many AI players

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3 years ago
Sep 19, 2021, 4:58:50 PM

So, I wanted to re-do this thread since we're a few patches in, and this is still an issue for me. I'm sure it's an issue for you guys as well who play multiplayer. Last night's game revealed something though that I thought was worth mentioning. 

Our first game was a 10 player game on a Huge world (4 Human Players, 6 AI). We weren't able to get more than 15 turns before it was desynching every turn. It was a real disaster. After getting frustrated with that, we tried something different and played a 6 Player game on a Normal sized world (4 Human / 2 AI). We were able to play 140 turns with only ONE desynch. 

I'm confident there are still interactions with the AI's and human players (Usually caused when you're trying to do some kind of diplomacy or war interaction with a player who has ended their turn already) that cause desynchs. I was able to desynch even the smaller game consistently by just looking at potential cultures to be for too long. I even desynch'd the game once by sending someone a treaty after they ended their turn (and then ending mine without giving them a chance to look at it, which desynch'd the game and I lost my treaty).

Any updates if this is still a WIP? The technical issues this game has remains my only real objection to what is otherwise my favorite 4x of the last 10 years.

Thanks guys :)

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 19, 2021, 6:07:25 PM

Hi @Kaerbear have you tried to use these workarounds on the human player side? 

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3 years ago
Sep 19, 2021, 8:01:30 PM
alQamar wrote:

Hi @Kaerbear have you tried to use these workarounds on the human player side? 

If you're referring to the "play extremely gently" stuff you put in 2/3 down the first main page, yes of course but it's hard to do that when you're in a multi hour game with 2-4 other people. The game really needs to be able to handle "doing stuff after your turn" or the game needs to enforce me NOT doing stuff after I end my turn. Obviously, it should be the former not the latter, but you can't play in a simultaneous turn game and not handle things like diplomacy after you end your turn - you can't even control it if another player does it with you. Or if another player changes the AI. 

I just noticed that having fewer AI in the game reduces the desync. 

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