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Still bugged

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5 months ago
Dec 10, 2023, 7:08:09 PM

How come this game is still bugged in its basic mechanics after all these years?
1. -- my mistake - nvm --

2. Patronage % count is messed up if you eliminate one of the competing empires - see below: I have over 60% according to the dark gray screen, but only 43% according to the transparent one and can't sign the 3rd tier treaty, all because I eliminated one of the empires that invested in these Independent People.

3. Nature reserve counters pollution within the territory, but it's not described anywhere.
4. Encyclopedia is a joke and is missing basic info like unit stats, upgrade path, district effect descriptions (you can't check the bonus rules stats of your emblematic quarters from previous eras) etc.

Frankly, that's quite disappointing.

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 10:59:22 AM


Thank you for taking the time to send us your bug reports!

2. Regarding Patronage level issues, a fix should have been deployed in the current George Sand Beta and should be available in the game once this beta ends. Don't hesitate to contact us if the issue persist after this update.

3. I may have not understand your issue with the Natural Reserve but its tooltip does mention the Pollution's reduction. Could you please provide more details?

Sorry for the inconveniences.

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