There is something wrong with the Chinese translation of this achievement. The English original text of this achievement is " Play with six different Affinities in a single game" . The translation of "Affinities" should be the corresponding "本性 " in the game rather than being translated as "倾向性 ". namely:Agrarian,Scientist,Builder,Merchant,Aesthete,Militarist and Expansionist.

这个成就的中文翻译有问题,这个成就的英文原文为Play with six different Affinities in a single game. “ Affinities” 的翻译应该是游戏中对应的“本性”,分别是农耕主义、科技主义、建造主义、商业主义、美学主义、军国主义和扩张主义,而不是被翻译成“ 倾向性”