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Endless Legend
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ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

Let's Brainstorm: What Needs to be Next?

Naval Battles
More Mid-Game Stuff (suggestions wanted!)
More End-Game Stuff (Suggestions wanted!)
More Quest Variety (Suggestions Wanted!)
Some Sort of World Congress-like System
Deeper Hero Customization/More RPG Elements
End-Game Uber Units
Religion (Or Something Like It)
End-Game Menace
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9 years ago
Nov 25, 2014, 10:04:04 PM
The patch you guys are receiving tomorrow is really great. I'm sure you all will appreciate the hard work and love that was put in to it. There are some nice quality of life fixes, some awesome immersion additions and a lot of AI updates. It's now been over two months since release and the sales are still going strong (top 50 in Steam sales at the time of writing this). So now, let's talk about what is missing from this game that leaves it just shy of a classic (which I believe it is).

Is it an endgame? Is it the mid-game, too? Is it something else?

Lay out your three most important improvements here!
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9 years ago
Nov 25, 2014, 10:11:50 PM
A hard pick to be honest cause there are lots of things i would like to see in the game. Right now something for the end gaming would be really nice but i can't make a guess of what would be better. I would like to see most of the suggestions you are refering in the future patches but something i would like to see in the close future would be somethings like wonders, natural and discovered by technology or activatet Endless wonders like ES and better use of water, meaning naval combat and water anomalys and exploitation.

I could say far more but you said two so i ll stop here
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9 years ago
Nov 25, 2014, 10:20:15 PM
I believe that the Wonders are coming, according to past Developer interviews and stuff.

I want deeper hero customization. What really made the Fallen Enchantress series finally fun was the inclusion of deeper RPG elements in its hero system. You finally felt true ownership with them and it became much more replayable. Right now there's almost always only one way to develop your heroes, depending on their role. Not to mention no active skills, which are needed in the higher levels of the skill trees to add some variety.

I want espionage because I think it could really add something to the mid- to late-game, which is sorely missing much to do at this point. Plus, I'd really like to see Amplitude's take on espionage.

Lastly, I'd really like to see the end-game revamped. It's currently EASILY my least favorite part of the game. There's very little to look forward to as era 5 and 6 are rather boring, tech-wise, and you have already received your last unit (way back in era 2) and there aren't any game-ending techs that feel fun or a wee bit overpowered. This is what makes other 4X games fun in the end game and it's sorely lacking here. Where is the comparative "atom bombs" or "tanks" or "death robots"? We need something that is actually exciting there.
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9 years ago
Nov 25, 2014, 10:37:10 PM
The end game is really boring right now but i dont know if super units are gonna make it better. Maybe a world congress would be a good idea of something to do. Maybe a new victory condition where you have to coordinate all races to save the planet would be nice something like a final epic quest.

And smiley: approval for more hero options. Hero paths was an amazing addition in Fallen Enchantress and one of my favorite parts on it.
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9 years ago
Nov 25, 2014, 10:56:53 PM
Well, naval battles are needed, but not right away. First Amp has to make the oceans interesting: Anomalies, resources, sea monsters, etc. then naval battles will be interesting. But right now they would just be a rehash of ground battle tbh. (maybe naval battles could be cinematic like ES? While the ground battles maintain the tactical control aspect?)

Espionage is needed no doubt. Hopefully a new hero class tho, that you can equip, level, etc. That could not only spy on cities, but could stealthily scout out enemies army position on the field. Just hopefully they wont go for a boring Civ style espionage system. So little interest that way ^^

Getting to know your heroes as characters, not just as tools, would be a huge addition to immersion. 'nough said

In the same way a belief, or "religion" system would help the player connect with their people. And even make every game even more different, giving each game its own dash of character.
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9 years ago
Nov 25, 2014, 11:20:48 PM
Religions or beliefs or philosophys is something that i thought sometime ago for EL but i dont know how it can be added. It would be a nice addition but in not done right then better not. A Civ V Gods and Kings style maybe the choice where you actually evolve your "religion" the way you like by giving specific bonusess. Espionage may be good choice but so far havent seen a game doing it right since SMAC.
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9 years ago
Nov 25, 2014, 11:58:20 PM
I want to see more naval stuff(maybe not battles but some anomalies,minor factions) , and i like to see deeper hero customization (something like in HOMM series.), this is what i really dream to see.

I also like religion in Civ5 ,so it will be good to see something like this in EL.
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 12:11:35 AM
Nomas wrote:
The end game is really boring right now but i dont know if super units are gonna make it better. Maybe a world congress would be a good idea of something to do. Maybe a new victory condition where you have to coordinate all races to save the planet would be nice something like a final epic quest.

And smiley: approval for more hero options. Hero paths was an amazing addition in Fallen Enchantress and one of my favorite parts on it.

I agree that super units wouldn't be the only thing needed for the end game. I have been a huge proponent of an end-game menace or other end game issues that would definitely accelerate the action at the end.

I'm even okay with a couple super unit "bosses" at the end. Some sort of experiment gone wrong or Endless remnants that come to annihilate all life on the planet.
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 12:13:15 AM
I would :

- New option to super super increase unit animation on the field (usefull on MP) or on the map. It is so annoying in MP to loose 75 % of our time in combat.

- Automations of some things (saved templates of units for all our games, an easy way to autopick hero according criterias. What I mean it's boring to examine each hero at each new wage of heroes. It is not interesting in gaming).

- Balancing according to the feeback of players of multi (but I suppose the next patch include it already).
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 12:13:51 AM
I voted for espionage, mostly because I am really curious how they'd actually implement that. There is no history to espionage mechanics for Amplitude, yet. It's the most interesting thing for me, regarding the possibility to facilitate evil in the game, too, of course. smiley: twisted
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 12:34:31 AM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
Well, naval battles are needed, but not right away. First Amp has to make the oceans interesting: Anomalies, resources, sea monsters, etc. then naval battles will be interesting. But right now they would just be a rehash of ground battle tbh. (maybe naval battles could be cinematic like ES? While the ground battles maintain the tactical control aspect?)

Espionage is needed no doubt. Hopefully a new hero class tho, that you can equip, level, etc. That could not only spy on cities, but could stealthily scout out enemies army position on the field. Just hopefully they wont go for a boring Civ style espionage system. So little interest that way ^^

Getting to know your heroes as characters, not just as tools, would be a huge addition to immersion. 'nough said

In the same way a belief, or "religion" system would help the player connect with their people. And even make every game even more different, giving each game its own dash of character.

Yeah. Sea battles need a huge expansion on its own if it is to be given the justice it deserves. It's a HUGE new feature that also cries out for sea monsters, sea quests, admiral heroes, a new seafaring faction, new naval techs etc etc. Best done in a dedicated real old school expansion pack.
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 1:13:42 AM
Let's skip religion and world congress. Neither work in this game. Religion is already implemented by the Cultists and all they want it to kill you. World congress? Um, the Necrophages and Cultists would make a fun voting block.

We need another unique faction. We need naval combat. We need espionage. More unique research. Unique art for each faction. More minors. Re-do 6th era tech.

Just to name a few.
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 2:32:03 AM
Nasarog wrote:
Let's skip religion and world congress. Neither work in this game. Religion is already implemented by the Cultists and all they want it to kill you. World congress? Um, the Necrophages and Cultists would make a fun voting block.

We need another unique faction. We need naval combat. We need espionage. More unique research. Unique art for each faction. More minors. Re-do 6th era tech.

Just to name a few.

World Congress works in Civ games where Genghis Khan is a member. Explain that. It's simply a matter of definition. You have these powerful empires with their own individual agendas but its not out of the question that they recognize other powerful entities and the opportunity to further their own goals by having a say in shaping the world. Even Necrophages would realize that they can't be at war with everyone at once.

I don't know if we NEED naval combat so much as we need a proper reason for naval travel other than just moving from one land mass to another. There would need to be a compelling reason to control the ocean apart from blocking movement of other empires across it.

I would welcome espionage but the AI needs to be able to use it properly or it is only going to create another path to exploit them.

Yes to unique research.

Not sure on the unique art part. Which aspect of each faction shares generic art?

Rather than more minors, I'd like to see minor factions play a bigger role in the game. Assimilating a minor faction should have some sort of direct impact on your society apart from a bonus and a new unit. Adding a large number of foreign people into your empire should affect some other aspects of it. For example, I can't see people being happy that the Haunts are sharing their living space. I'd imagine that would have an impact on happiness. "Mommy! There are ghosts everywhere!!!"
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 7:22:28 AM
I've vote for End-Game Menace and "Some Sort of World Congress-like System" because I think it's not deep enough, if factions can live in peace or war. One possibility, each faction has one or two representatives in this congress and can vote out of some possible law or rules. Perhaps they call the peace for every faction for x turn or increase the market taxes or introduce a world tax to finance themselve or subsidies. They can also call to blockade specific faction or decide to subsidize units or buildings. The head of the congress is chosen from the represantives of each faction. I hope that this will at least thought.
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 8:26:49 AM
Bah, World Congress just don't make me very excited. I find it more suiting in Civilization as a UN representation since it's a "historical" game. It can also work good for inter-planetary Sci-Fi strategies like Galactic Civilizations 2 (and 3). The thought just don't turn me on so much for Endless Legend. I'd like to see the improvements done in other departments.
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 12:31:24 PM
Naval combat no doubt. The fact that you can`t touch anything that`s in the water is so annoying that I really thought it was a bug at first...

When that`s said, i would like to see all the options above implemented in the game, but for now we need naval combat. No need for sea monsters and all that right away, only the option to kill and be killed at sea.
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 1:51:59 PM
A more interesting winter. Right now, it's just like summer, except everything happens slower.

By making winters more interesting, we can also ramp them up a bit faster which will automatically create a more interesting endgame. Can you defeat your last opponent, research that final tech, build that wonder, before the winter takes over and dooms everyone?

A religion mechanic is pointless. It's intersting in Civ where everyone is human, but the underlying differences between the factions are too great IMO to make any cross-pollination viable.

Now, as a purely faction-internal mechanic, maaaybe.

Yes to more attention to oceans! Maybe even an ocean-based faction, building cities on ships (or giant fish). Although the more I think about it, the more it looks like aquatic Roving Clans... They'd need something clearly distinct.

Or just give every faction the option to build naval cities. Roving Clans => back of fish, Mages => floating with magic, Vaulters => oil platforms, Walkers => giant tree growing on the ocean floor, Lords => floating on dust, Necrophage => something like how ant colonies cross water, Drakken => no clue. Cultists stay on land, they have only one city anyway.
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 2:17:35 PM
Slashman wrote:
World Congress works in Civ games where Genghis Khan is a member. Explain that. It's simply a matter of definition. You have these powerful empires with their own individual agendas but its not out of the question that they recognize other powerful entities and the opportunity to further their own goals by having a say in shaping the world. Even Necrophages would realize that they can't be at war with everyone at once.

I think you have let the generic responses for diplomatic text influence your thinking. The Necrophages can't make peace. Ever. Why would they participate in a "world congress". Let me use the Borg as an example; before they were nerved and made unmeaning, their idea of "world congress" was assimilation. The Cultists are slightly better. Who wants to be in a "world congress" with ISIS.

Slashman wrote:

I don't know if we NEED naval combat so much as we need a proper reason for naval travel other than just moving from one land mass to another. There would need to be a compelling reason to control the ocean apart from blocking movement of other empires across it.

We NEED it! Really, we do!

Slashman wrote:

I would welcome espionage but the AI needs to be able to use it properly or it is only going to create another path to exploit them.

Yes to unique research.


Slashman wrote:

Not sure on the unique art part. Which aspect of each faction shares generic art?

Why do the outlaying regions of the Broken Lords have lush farms? Necrophages? Drakken? That's what I mean. SHouldn't the buildings in winter also be covered in snow and ice?

Slashman wrote:

Rather than more minors, I'd like to see minor factions play a bigger role in the game. Assimilating a minor faction should have some sort of direct impact on your society apart from a bonus and a new unit. Adding a large number of foreign people into your empire should affect some other aspects of it. For example, I can't see people being happy that the Haunts are sharing their living space. I'd imagine that would have an impact on happiness. "Mommy! There are ghosts everywhere!!!"

All good points, but more minors introduce more units as well. That's what I was getting at. Also, each minor needs it's own unique city tile.

Let me add one more - when upgrading extractors and docks, they too need unique graphics.
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