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Endless Legend
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ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

UI Feedback Customizablity

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9 years ago
Jan 20, 2015, 10:12:11 AM
Hello! I have been playing Endless Legend a lot since getting it from the winter sale, and I think it is an amazing game! I have also found a lot of things that I would love to see improved, most of which already had their own topics where I have chimed in. But one thing I have not seen discussed much is the message feedback from the UI, or more importantly, the ability to customize those messages.

On a more basic level, I would like to see the option to remove some messages completely. This would be best accompanied by the addition of messages for some types of events, for example:

Start/End of building a settler (in specific, not as a part of the big building sum up).

Enemy forces entering your territory.

Empty construction queue (again, in specific).

Fortifications reduced to zero (on enemy or friendly siege).

All defenders killed in a siege.

BUT what I would really like is a more deeply customizable messaging system, including conditional messages for particular (single) events.

For example, sometimes I want to know when a particular city has grown to size. Sometimes I want to know if a particular enemy enters my territories. Maybe I want to know when my food stockpile bonus runs out in a city or when a city has produced a particular building/unit. For Broken Lords maybe I want to know when I can afford a citizen in a particular city. The list can go on and I am sure people could contribute to a long list of conditions they would like to see added.

So I suggest an advanced "widget" that lets you set these type of messages. I.e. add a lot of conditions, that can be global (Tell me every time a settler is finished building) or local (tell me when city X's population has reached 12).

How do people feel about the advanced part of this suggestion?
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9 years ago
Jan 21, 2015, 10:15:22 AM
I am totaly agree with your ideas.

The more the players will be freed from all the obvious repetitives task to do, the more the devs could introduce interesting new features (making the combat more creative for exemple). ^^
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