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Endless Legend
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ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

SUGGESTION: save game should have unit/city focus, window and notifications persisted

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9 years ago
May 19, 2015, 5:14:21 PM
This is something that is becoming more and more annoying as the game progresses... The game doesn't save the current windows focus, the unit/city select and the notifications.

A concrete use case:

1) I have the game at this state:

POints to note:

1) THe map focus is zoomed out, with focus near Rothkallor.

2) There is a notification regarding a city without build queue to the right.

2) I save the game, leave to desktop, start the game again ans load the same save. This is what I have.

Points to note:

1) THe map focus is no longer near Rothkallor, but at my capital city.

2) THe notifictions are vanished.

What is the behavior I should expect:

1) When I load a game , the map focus should be kept.

2) Notifications should be kept.

In the beginning of the game this is not a big issue, but as you have a big empire, with lots of armies and cities, and dozens of notifications, the fact that these notifications vanish after reloading phase is really annoying: this forces me to check every single city and every single army , and all the reports, all over again, because the notifications that would give me hints on where I should act are no longer there...
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9 years ago
May 19, 2015, 5:21:47 PM
ahhhhh... good point. The camera issue isnt all that big in my opinion, but the notifications sure are. That could definitely stand to be improved now that you mention it.
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