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Endless Legend
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ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

Queue stuff even without pre-requisites met. Global queue.

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9 years ago
May 19, 2015, 8:54:59 PM
There is something that annoys me...

1) Can't queue 2 or more borough streets... This makes me keep queueing stuff that I don't really want to build right now, only to avoid losing production...

2) Can't queue units for which I don't have the resources...

So, I'm proposing the following solution:

1) Players are free to queue constructions , even without met prerequisites, be it in resources or other nature.

2) Construction for that item can only begin with met prerequisites. If the first item in queue can't be build when prerequisites are met, the second, third, fourth , etc, are progressed...

3) Boroughs / accomplishments/ etc... in construction are considered valid for placing another boroughs / achievements. Even if reordered, a borough / accomplishment can only be started if the requisites are met.

4) Boroughs in construction will have a queue order overlay over them, showing which districts will be built first.

5) If nothing can be built at the queue, a red notification similar to "empty construction queue" will be issued.

6) If a construction needs a requisite that is a global reserve (say, dust , or titanium), it will appear at a global provisioning queue, where the player can prioritize which construction will have provisions first.

7) At the start of the turn, if the first item in the global provision queue can be provisioned, a notification will appear to the player. If the player chooses so, it can choose the provisioning order and click the "apply" button. The resources then be allocated to the constructions, for every construction that can have all resources allocated, until it can be cancelled.

8) The player may also choose to cancel a production in the global provision queue... The production will be removed from the city where it was queued.
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9 years ago
May 22, 2015, 9:20:38 AM
Support these proposals. Note, that the global queue only makes sense when you introduce the possibility to add to the queue of the city without the necessary strategic resources for the current turn (which was proposed by the author).
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9 years ago
Jun 5, 2015, 4:34:10 PM
Ability to choose items that are invalid/ineligible is generally bad UI design. Less experienced players will constantly select constructions that they can't really build.

Queuing future Districts is tricky because the location of the future District may be ineligible when the District is building. For example, what happens if I reorder the build queue? I think the interface overhead to handle these situations isn't really worth the effort.

The ideas of skipping over an invalid item in the queue and building the next and/or notifications of invalid items in the queue are great.
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9 years ago
Jun 5, 2015, 5:01:08 PM
Propbuddha wrote:
Ability to choose items that are invalid/ineligible is generally bad UI design. Less experienced players will constantly select constructions that they can't really build.

Queuing future Districts is tricky because the location of the future District may be ineligible when the District is building. For example, what happens if I reorder the build queue? I think the interface overhead to handle these situations isn't really worth the effort.

The ideas of skipping over an invalid item in the queue and building the next and/or notifications of invalid items in the queue are great.

I agree it is bad UI design to allow users to add stuff they can't build without notifying the user of the fact... So, if there is something like an alert telling that the stuff cannot be built right now, followed by a "don't bother me" checkbox, the UI issue is solved.

If something is not buildable, it is skipped... Simple as that... If you reorder a district to a non-buildable place , the next district in queue is the one that is build.

However, to make this work, there is one extra step that must be made: as of build 1.1.1S3, there is no way to know where a district / exploitation is being built... The only way we have to know where a district is being built is to full zoom into the map and see the construction preparations. This need to be changed to have an overlay containing the queue order...

I think this can speed up a lot multiplayer games, because it allows players to "fire and forget" things to build at the cities.
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