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Endless Space 2
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ENDLESS™ Space 2 is turn-based 4X space-strategy that launches players into the space colonization age of different civilizations within the ENDLESS™ Universe. Your Vision. Their Future.

Endless Space 2 Improve List - Updates 1, 2, 3 and Release

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8 years ago
Oct 10, 2016, 3:50:29 PM

Hello everyone

It’s been a while since we’ve got you some news and some of you have been wondering where Endless Space 2 is headed; in the meantime, we’ve been working hard to add features, fix bugs and generally improve the game. In this endeavor, we have distributed all the planned upcoming content between four milestones, as described in the Roadmap shared by Mathieu on the Dev Blog, each one with its fair share of new content and improvements.

Even though we will do our best to ensure everything is delivered on time, please keep in mind this might be subject to change due to production constraints and whatnot, thus forcing us to bump some items of an update into the next one. Similarly, as much as we’ll try to avoid it, some content might be first delivered with placeholders and then updated later.

Anyway, I hope this post will give you better visibility on what will happen for the rest of the Early Access and without further due, please find the milestones detailed below

Update 1 - RELEASED!

Increased Turn Limit
The Turn Limit has been increased to 200 turns!
Empire Management
Advanced Manpower
Manpower panel (Infantry / Tanks / Planes breakdown and upgrades)
Empire Management
Advanced System List
Ability to move Population from planet to planet in the Star System list
Empire Management
Special rewards for performing specific actions - Deeds will most likely have placeholder art
Empire Management
The Market system and its screen
Empire Management
Use of Mercenary units not showing their owner's flag
Empire Management
Reworked Truce system
Truce won't be forced anymore but will be based on civil unrest
Empire Management
System Influence conversion buyout
When a Star System is passively converted by another Empire's area of influence, this Empire can pay Influence to capture the system.
Empire Management
System Razing
Ability to raze one of your Systems
Empire Management
Star System Ownership
When a Star System is captured, the captor doesn't 100% control it instantly
Empire Management
Only the gameplay, visuals will come later - Wonders might have placeholder art
New Major Faction: The United Empire
The United Empire Major Faction
New Minor Factions!
Amoeba, Z'Vali and Pilgrims Minor Factions
General Content
New Faction Hero Skills
The Heroes' skills branches for the new faction
General Content
Technology Era 4
Technologies, unlocks and constructibles - Some of it might be placeholder
Narration and Events
Minor faction Quests
The ability to gains Standing with / Assimilate Minor Factions with quests. Not sure all the content will be there for Update 1 though
Ship Design
No Weapon type restrictions
All hulls can use kinetics, beams, lasers and missiles

Update 2 - RELEASED!

Empire Management
Advanced Victories
5 new Victory conditions
Empire Management
Dust Inflation
The prices in Dust will increase as the game progresses
Empire Management
Outpost V2
Colonies can now send Food to Outposts to help with their growth
Empire Management
Population Empire bonuses
Having a certain number of a population within an Empire grants a bonus relative to this population
Empire Management
Star System Governor
Automation of Star System Management
Empire Management
Star System migration
Population migration visuals (ships actually appear on the map), and manual migration system (space port)
Empire Management
Star System Rebellion

New Major Faction: Horatio
The Horatio Major Faction
New Minor Factions!
Eyder, Tikanan and Gnashast Minor Faction
Advanced Cravers Quest
The following chapters of this Faction's Main Quest
Advanced Lumeris Quest
The following chapters of this Faction's Main Quest
Advanced Sophons Quest
The following chapters of this Faction's Main Quest
Advanced Vodyanis Quest
The following chapters of this Faction's Main Quest
General Content
Anomalies FX (Visual Effects)

General Content
New Galaxy Shapes

Added Galaxy Shape Disk-4 and Ring
General Content
General Population and Senate improvements
Tweaks, fixes and various improvements
General Content
Ground Battle transition

General Content
Marketplace Ads
Players can post ads on the marketplace to promote a certain resource they wish to buy
General Content
More diplomatic terms
Map sharing, vision sharing, research agreement, trade agreement
General Content
New Faction Hero Skills
The Heroes' skills branches for the new faction
General Content
Planet renaming

The ability to rename planets you own (except unique planets)
General Content
Terraformation visuals

Planets changing appearance after being terraformed
Advanced game options and Galaxy generation settings

G2G Banner
Added an auto-scrolling banner on the main menu
Scan Views
Battle Scan View improvements

Scan Views
System Orbital Scan View
Displays numeric values and ranking
Space Battle
Advanced Fleet Management
Automerge, Selection of Empire to attack, etc...
Space Battle
Battle general improvements
Too complex to fit into Update 1
Tech Tree
Tech Tree rework!
Entirely revamped Tech Tree
Tech Tree Rework
See post by dev Meedoc: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forum/66-game-design/thread/21749-fixing-tech-tree-ideas-discussion?page=3 

Update 3 - RELEASED!

Better Diplomatic AI
Except for Alliances with AI
Empire Management
Planet Attributes
Another heavily discussed issue, we already have a few leads about how we're going to tackle it
Empire Management
System Production Queue improvements
Fixing the Alt+Click reorder, automating the removal of Unique Improvement in queues if they're built in another system
New Major Faction!
One new Major Faction: the Riftborn
New Minor Factions!

Reworked Minor Factions system

General Content
New Galaxy Shape

General Content
New Faction Hero Skills
The Heroes' skills branches for the new faction
General Content
All common technologies
All the common, non faction specific technologies
Horatio Quest Chapters 3 and 4
All current faction quests are now complete, except for the final, juicy quest reward that has yet to be implemented
Multiplayer! :)

In-game chat

Narration and Events
Tutorial level "Advanced"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 9, 2016, 10:00:20 AM

Bump for Updates 1, 2, 3 and Release!


  • Added "Turn Limit" in Update 1
  • Moved "Empire Population bonuses" out of Update 1 and into Update 2
  • Added "New Minor Factions" in Update 1

Edit 2: 

  • Added Community ideas
Updated 7 years ago.
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