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ENDLESS™ Space 2 is turn-based 4X space-strategy that launches players into the space colonization age of different civilizations within the ENDLESS™ Universe. Your Vision. Their Future.

Various ideas, more ideas in future (new ideas: Shadowmarket, corruption)

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7 years ago
Jul 30, 2017, 12:32:06 PM

Today update for Population composition of troops and Improved pirate ground invasion.

Let's begin with the "Population composition of troops".

So, here I remade old mockup of screen "troop management". Just look:

Now about Improved pirate ground invasion.

As I wrote before, I try to connect ideas with each other. Here you need an explanation, it's after the picture.

      This is the unit that I propose to allocate to all independent pirates and ships under "privateering" option. As you can see, evolution of mercenary unit is too long. Time is reduced by the number of active wars, combat encounters (cosmic and planetary) and total number of "manpower" in the galaxy (maybe even from events). Development of military technology also has an impact. In order for the technology to work, 75% of the empires must study it. As soon as this happens, timer will turn on, after ending of which technology will begin to operate on the Raiders. If the remaining 25% of empires study technology before end of timer, technology will begin to influence immediately. Here is a picture of Raiders.

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7 years ago
Sep 6, 2017, 12:22:05 PM

I continue to fill the ideas with mock-ups. Corruption - a little about "shipbound" factions.

Explanations of the formation of a cell in a federation:

And how do I see the indication of corruption on "system management" screen:

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7 years ago
Aug 27, 2017, 5:11:09 PM

A small update to raise the topic. A couple of mockups for Corruption

1. "Goverment Stagnation" - one of the main factors for accelerating the growth of imperial corruption. This value has almost no effect at the beginning of the establishment of any government (at the beginning of the game), but the longer the value becomes greater. In addition to changing the government, which completely nulls this factor, the change of the ruling political party can help. The change of the ruling political party reduces this factor to a certain amount.

2. Thoughts about anti-corruption improvements - I think about two or three improvements whose effects depend on the type of government. "Cravers" and "Vodyani" will have special improvements due to the specifics (and lore) of their races.

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7 years ago
Aug 18, 2017, 10:51:30 AM
Kynrael wrote:

It's an impressive run anyhow! Congrats on all the work you've done and good luck with your Ideas.


It's just a big break before the next update. There is still a lot of work.

Good work on optimization in the last update :)

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7 years ago
Aug 18, 2017, 9:57:39 AM
Greensmokie wrote:

Unfortunately, I now have absolutely no time to work on my ideas. 

Please vote for the ideas you like. A complete list of ideas you can find at the end of the first post of this topic.

It's an impressive run anyhow! Congrats on all the work you've done and good luck with your Ideas.


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7 years ago
Aug 18, 2017, 8:18:47 AM


I decided to formalize corruption into a separate idea - Corruption

Here is beginning of table of effects of corruption (effects from "gameplay affinity"). Table has a lot more to add, but later. All the values have only one goal - to show the impact of corruption. I'm not a game designer and I'm not going to put the exact values that would satisfy the notorious "balance" criteria.

Unfortunately, I now have absolutely no time to work on my ideas. 

Please vote for the ideas you like. A complete list of ideas you can find at the end of the first post of this topic.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 15, 2017, 4:36:13 AM


As I promised several posts earlier, "friendship" with illegal organizations will have consequences. However, now the idea of corruption in general, the nuances of influence organization later.
Corruption is a cumulative phenomenon that accompanies every empire, it is impossible to stop it, you can only reduce the speed of growth as much as possible. The effects of corruption will depend on the "gameplay affinity" and "visual affinity" chosen for the faction. There is corruption, imperial and colonial. The effects of imperial corruption depend more on the chosen "gameplay affinity", colonial corruption is more dependent on the chosen "visual affinity". Corruption will have several levels (5) increasing its effect on reaching each level. 

I started working on this mechanics and here are a few mockups.

This is how I see the presentation of corruption on the screen "Empire summary":

This is how I see the influence of different types of government:

This is an approximate representation of all factors affecting the rate of corruption in the colony:

(Amout of population + Number of population types + Bonuses to corruption from some types of population + Presence and number of deposits of resources + Presence and quantity of luxury deposits + (Number of trade routes passing through the system + income of these trade routes) + Representation of the ruling party + Quests and events + Anomalies) * (Coefficient of approval rating * Coefficient of range * Quests and events) = Number of corruption points per turn

Fight corruption can be through laws, improvements and heroes skills.Some quests and events can also help. Perhaps some factions will be more resilient to this phenomenon than others, but about this in the next update.

Next time when I return to "corruption" I will add explanations and a large table of the effects of corruption (effects from "gameplay affinity" and "visual affinity").

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 11, 2017, 4:41:05 PM

Update for the " Shadowmarket".

Theme of the update is the same - "mercenaries". I added the final quests and a few more explanations.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 31, 2017, 2:37:09 PM

Update to idea of the " Shadowmarket", which continues yesterday's post about mercenaries.

I marked on main screen of the "shadowmarket" the "inspect" button (8) on organization of mercenaries, after clicking on which following screen appears:

Illegal organization of "mercenaries", primarily an infrastructure that unites some large companies of mercenaries, helping them find clients and decisive disputes between them. I will repeat that I wrote yesterday for idea " Improved pirate ground invasion." So, evolution of mercenaries takes a long time and can be reduced by the number of active wars, combat encounters (cosmic and planetary) and total number of "manpower" in the galaxy (maybe even from events). Accordingly, the participation of each type of troops in battles accelerates its type. Development of military technology also has an impact. In order for the technology to work, 75% of the empires must study it. As soon as this happens, timer will turn on, after ending of which technology will begin to operate on the Raiders. If the remaining 25% of empires study technology before end of timer, technology will begin to influence immediately. Here is a picture of Raiders. Armor troops and air troops become available to mercenaries after the corresponding technologies are distributed. Fleets appearing for recruitment will be marked to what company they belong to, and troops in the fleet will receive correspondingly to their company bonuses.

Interaction with this screen depends on relationship with organization and will be described in the post dedicated to relationship with the mercenaries.


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 14, 2017, 3:34:28 AM

I love how you just dismiss the entire MP community that in your mind is non existant. We may be few, but I play probably 2-5 games a week on average, maybe more, with plenty of single player games.  I do like your idea, however, I still cannot see the added complexity plus the added complexity of balance being implimented.  

I can however see the use for upgraded probes, IE ones that let you see a systems production lvl structures ECT, that would be a simple, and great addition to the game. 

This is just too much for a already complex game.  Again, you've gone above and beyond work wise, but this is what you want, not what everybody wants.  If the devolopers are for your idea, ill shut my mouth.  But they put a lot of work into this and making multiplayer vaible. The level of complexity this would have to those games are beyond even my imagination.  

Please don't dismiss those of us who play multiplayer, there despite what you "see" are a lot of private games, and a lot of games running at different times.  Just because you can't see them, or feel the community doesn't exist, doesn't mean it isn't there.  

So sorry, but I can't upvote this without first fixing/balancing/addressing CORE issues of the game.  It does lake the angle your shooting for here, that I do agree with.  But start with something simple.  

There are a LOT of issues to be taken care of before this item hits the floor.  If it can be implemnted with multiplayer in mind, again, I will shut my mouth.  Up until then, I'm going to be the voice that fights against you.  This is just too much for a game that focus's around fleets and battles, not ground combat.  I do like the idea of accessing stronger pirate fleets, pirate heros, maybe fleets that are untracable back to your empire, things like that.  But again, small steps towards broader projects.  And I see a lot on the table before any undertaking of this size.  

Cheers, Plutar

Also, no hard feelings, just don't dismiss what you don't see, we do exist despite imagination, and I've probably logged more hours on this game in MP and SP than some of the devolopers.
Good luck with the idea.

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7 years ago
Jul 25, 2017, 4:36:32 PM
plutar wrote:

I can't upvote on this, because of one reason, multiplayer.  The time it takes to engage in such a system like this would kill the timed MP games and I can't see installing one and leaving it from the other.   (yes I know you can change the timer) but I feel this would really change the flow of the game.  Great work I love how detailed you are with it, but there already isn't enough time in MP to use all the tools we are given.  In single player this could be fun, the only idea I truly like is the invade single planets and bio warefare.  That wouldn't hurt the speed and would allow you to use more specefic population control.  


I understand your concerns about slowing down multiplayer, but... I just went into the game and looked at the multiplayer. Several games at maximum speed. Looked at the forum "Multiplayer", forum is almost dead. Personally, I bought the game in search of an unusual experience of a single player game. For the sake of interesting choices and new situations. Anyway, that's just my humble opinion and maybe I'm wrong about multiplayer (maybe not). 

Perhaps the idea of  More "hotkeys" and keys combination gives the acceleration of gameplay, replacing unnecessary mouse clicks and speeding up routine operations. 

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7 years ago
Jul 25, 2017, 3:42:09 PM

I can't upvote on this, because of one reason, multiplayer.  The time it takes to engage in such a system like this would kill the timed MP games and I can't see installing one and leaving it from the other.   (yes I know you can change the timer) but I feel this would really change the flow of the game.  Great work I love how detailed you are with it, but there already isn't enough time in MP to use all the tools we are given.  In single player this could be fun, the only idea I truly like is the invade single planets and bio warefare.  That wouldn't hurt the speed and would allow you to use more specefic population control.  

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7 years ago
Jul 25, 2017, 12:27:58 PM
Tortoiseer wrote:
Kynrael wrote:

I have to say, I'm impressed by all the work you're doing. Most of it is probably far too complex for our scope & vision - but there are a lot of great ideas. Keep 'em coming!

I don't suppose you would be willing/able to say which of them seem most feasible? I understand if you cannot 

Yeah, I can't really say - a lot of things to factor in! Ideas need a certain amount of points before review, it's hard to evaluate at a glance what it would take if something is considered in vision, and most of the times Ideas are still changed system wise to fit in better with the overall game.

However, it's always great food for thought & inspiration to scroll through that amount of proposals & mockups :)

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7 years ago
Jul 25, 2017, 8:44:30 AM

A new update to the idea Shadowmarket. This update about rhe "slavedrivers", or rather the relationship with them and the relevant quests. 

These are simple quests, as well as an improvement which is given as a reward:


Final quests and awards for them:

"Cravers" for the place of new laws receive faction trait (their story will be slightly different):



    I will make similar pictures about each organization. However, back to the final quests. I began to draw the leader of the "slavedrivers", his ship, the system in which the base of "slavedrivers" is located and unique hero (award for destruction). If I can not draw (the results will not suit me), I will describe the characters through words. In the future also more details and updates regarding the interaction of the race "Vodyani" with "slavedrivers".

And yes, I completely forgot. You probably noticed that it's more profitable to be friends with organizations. Later, I'll add "corruption" with unique modifiers for each faction.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 24, 2017, 8:24:22 PM
Kynrael wrote:

I have to say, I'm impressed by all the work you're doing. Most of it is probably far too complex for our scope & vision - but there are a lot of great ideas. Keep 'em coming!

I don't suppose you would be willing/able to say which of them seem most feasible? I understand if you cannot 

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7 years ago
Jul 21, 2017, 1:16:57 PM
Kynrael wrote:

I have to say, I'm impressed by all the work you're doing. Most of it is probably far too complex for our scope & vision - but there are a lot of great ideas. Keep 'em coming!

Many thanks.
I understand the complexity of implementing these ideas, but I still hope to see their implementation in any form. When I finish with a detailed explanation of these ideas, I will add new ones. So the work will continue :)

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7 years ago
Jul 21, 2017, 9:27:24 AM

I have to say, I'm impressed by all the work you're doing. Most of it is probably far too complex for our scope & vision - but there are a lot of great ideas. Keep 'em coming!

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