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ENDLESS™ Space 2 is turn-based 4X space-strategy that launches players into the space colonization age of different civilizations within the ENDLESS™ Universe. Your Vision. Their Future.

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Academy Admiralty: Naming their highest ranks


We’re back with another vote about the next Endless Space 2 expansion. You’ve already voted on a new hero, the upcoming minor faction, and an aspect of the lore to receive some attention, so this week we are circling back to heroes and the source of their knowledge.

The Celestial Worlds quest already hinted at the power structures within the Academy. Isyander’s plan requires investment in many different endeavors, and one of these is protection. To guard their assets and interests, the Academy employs a small, elite force of ground troops and ships. Yet the Academy is no ordinary empire, so we have to wonder what their commander of the fleets would be called:

  • Instructor of the Fleets
  • Spear of Isyander
  • Lord of Retribution
  • Preceptor Militant
  • Apostle of Justice

What position would you like to hold within the Academy?

6 372 000

g2g pts

Spear of Isyander

Spear of Isyander

2 798 000

g2g pts

Instructor of the Fleets

Instructor of the Fleets

1 566 600

g2g pts

Lord of Retribution

Lord of Retribution

3 925 900

g2g pts

Preceptor Militant

Preceptor Militant

3 073 300

g2g pts

Apostle of Justice

Apostle of Justice

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5 years ago
May 23, 2019, 3:03:28 PM

Like Spear of Isyander, sounds like a zealot ready to pierce and strike down all who oppose their leader

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
May 23, 2019, 3:06:39 PM

Preceptor Militant; while Spear of Isyander is cool, the Academy is less about him and more about the Lost.

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5 years ago
May 23, 2019, 4:50:00 PM

Who the hell votes for Spear of Isyander, it sounds like a dick.

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5 years ago
May 23, 2019, 8:11:45 PM

Spear of Isyander sounds like a flagship, whereas the Preceptor Militant sounds like a rank.

Thus I've casted my vote.

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5 years ago
May 23, 2019, 8:39:06 PM

"Spear of Isyander" sounds too personalistic. "Preceptor Militant" sounds baroque and intriguing. So Preceptor Militant it is.

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5 years ago
May 23, 2019, 8:53:51 PM

'Preceptor Militant' sounds like something out of Warhammer 40K, and 'Spear of Isyander' is too personal. Lordship is also kind of far from the academy's theme, and 'Instructor of the Fleets' should be the guy teaching space-combat at the academy, not roaming around fighting. Since the Academy is almost like Isyander's own church, I say Apostle of Justice works the best.

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5 years ago
May 23, 2019, 11:32:49 PM

Oof.  I'm kinda between preceptor militant and instructor of the fleets.  Lord of retribution sounds a bit too religious, even for a Vodyani defector.  Spear of Lysander sounds too egomaniacal.  Apostle of Justice has merit, but...I dunno.

Just think what shortened epithet he'd often hear in quick situations.




Which of those would feel right?  On the one hand, "instructor" makes me think he'll turn around and go "no, you cannot have an extension on your thesis deadline."  On the other hand, preceptor triggers a little memory in my brain that goes "Cursory evaluation of Decepticon capabilities indicates a distinct tactical deficiency!"

I'm not sure which one makes me giggle more or groan less.

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5 years ago
May 24, 2019, 1:22:21 AM

Glad the one I picked is winning :D

Apostle seems too similar to Vodyani.

Spear of Is... why a spear? They basically sit in the academy all day.

Instructor of the fleets,thought the academy only instructed heroes, not really fleets.

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5 years ago
May 24, 2019, 4:22:09 AM

It would be better if it is Spear of the Lost.

Oh, its lorebreaking, sorry

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
May 24, 2019, 7:17:58 AM

Going spear here, Lysander seems to have a bit of an ego thing going along his goal; so i think it fits.

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5 years ago
May 24, 2019, 8:22:28 AM

I vote for Muatra I mean, Preceptor Militant. That, or Instructor of the Fleets, seems like the most fitting title for the Academy's primary admiral.

Spear of Isyander should definitely be the flagship (or, hey, why not make it the name of the admiral's personal ship class?)

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5 years ago
May 24, 2019, 9:44:32 AM
Blandersnatching wrote:

I vote for Muatra 

This guy scrolls )

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5 years ago
May 24, 2019, 10:33:46 AM

Voted. To say I'm good with any of the options.

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5 years ago
May 24, 2019, 5:03:49 PM

Instructor of the fleets sounds a bit funny to me, no offense but it makes me think about a Hero trying to teach things to his ships... Spear of Isyander would be better for a flagship IMO, Lord of Retribution is cool but a bit bland to me, and I'm not sure what Preceptor Militant is supposed to mean, so I'm going for Apostle of Justice. Apostle is indeed a religious term, but it also means "messenger", and since Isyander is trying to spread his message all over the galaxy, i think it'd fit an Academy admiral pretty good. As for justice, well... that's kinda the base of the Academy, y'know, the whole "justice for the Lost" thing, so it makes sense.

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5 years ago
May 24, 2019, 5:30:04 PM

Spear of Isyander will lead the fleets as they pierce enemy formations and crush all who stand between the academy and its goals

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