Hello there,

I want to leave a little feedback and/or suggestion for the forums but I may have to add another suggestion ;)

First, while I like the modern site design and the features connected to your games, there is no site/forum feedback/suggestion subforum where I could make this post. So I hope here is the correct section for it as, while it may concern the Humankind forums, especially the bug report section, it may relate to every section of that kind.

Reporting (Humankind) bugs in your forums leaves a bad aftertaste for me. I know that the game is fresh and your community managers or developers are probably overlooking several sites like this, Steam, GoG, whereever you published your game. And it is probably hard to keep the overview about all bugs reported. So the forums are flooded by all kind of bug reports - very simple ones or (good) detailled reports which follow your guidelines. And I can only guess the last ones are more helpful for you, and probably for the posters, as it will be more likely to get noticed. 

On the other hand a good bug report takes more time to create and receiving zero feedback and also seeing that other well written and justified reports receive zero feedback lowers my morale to even report (more) bugs. 

I'm not talking about a "Thank you" or "We verified this issue", more about any kind of a visual sign that it was worth to take the time to gather informations, write a text within your guidelines, format screenshots, etc. That could be anything from a simple "acknowledged" post, a visual sign at the top/bottom that a developer read the post or a renaming of the thread* or anything even more simple. 

And don't get me wrong. I'm well aware that there are important and more important things and maybe something will be patched only after some month. However it would be nice to see that the own effort for posting a well-documented report was worth the effort.

*In another developer forum they rename threads to give information to anyone and to sort those reports, e.g. [Bug 1337](Rest of Thread title) or [Fixed in a later patch](Rest of Thread title)