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GAMES2GETHER is a brand new way for players around the world to participate in the creation of a video game! Working closely for years with players to share, discuss or compare ideas, we wanted to bring the idea of community one step further.

The descriptions/body section of ideas for HUMANKIND and others are blank/aren't loading.

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7 months ago
Oct 15, 2023, 11:04:16 AM

As stated in the title, albeit not as succinctly as I could've.

The 'ideas' on the site are just the title, and the little detail of how long ago the idea was posted.

I'm hoping that the relevant information, and the images embedded, in these ideas aren't lost. I'm sure many people, including myself, have spent a decent amount of time working hard to try and present our ideas well, and feel both confused and anxious to see them open as relatively barren pages.

Hopefully this is an issue that is on the team's radar, and will be fixed soon (or, 'as soon as is reasonable given the upcoming release of Endless Dungeon')?

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