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Endless Legend
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ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

[EL] GDD 12 - Quest

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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 10:36:53 PM
it says that he is of an unknown race too, so i think there is a distinct possibility he is of one of the factions from auriga.
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10 years ago
Mar 23, 2014, 1:10:38 AM
i would love some more information in the faction reveals about race-specific quests. please amplitude?
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10 years ago
Mar 8, 2014, 8:52:15 AM
Looking forward to when the faction information starts trinkling out.
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10 years ago
Feb 23, 2014, 6:38:19 PM
maybe they're the only ones you have heard about directly stated that they are some of the major factions. i'm sure there are some hints about the non indentified major factions somewhere.
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10 years ago
Feb 23, 2014, 8:57:03 AM
Predateur701 wrote:
Will be one GDD about that species? They look interesting. smiley: smile

If my recollection serves me correctly, they initially said that we'd get a GDD on races. I don't know if it will happen one race at a time or all at once. I'd expect the Broken Lords and the so-called "mad fairies" to be the first ones we hear about.
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10 years ago
Feb 21, 2014, 8:06:09 PM
Slowhands wrote:
You guys are good smiley: smile

Will be one GDD about that species? They look interesting. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Feb 21, 2014, 2:13:04 PM
Nice, but it looks more like objectives that quests. Quests implies narration, while objectives are... well, objectives. What I can read here reminds me of what there is in Europa Universalis (even if it doesn't "really" induce victory). It's not bad, but I fear it's a bit restrictive. I mean, there will be easier quests (there are always easier quests, no matter the balance you achieve), which would not be a problem if your quest progress would not induce your chances of victory. I fear the "Oh, I have this luxury ressource just there! And that minor faction! Easy Win!" I prefer when you can play the way you want, depending on the player's choice through roleplay, but we'll see.

(of course what I said is totally wrong if there is really A LOT of different selectable quests, but the GDD doesn't even give an order of magnitude smiley: frown )
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10 years ago
Feb 21, 2014, 9:50:17 AM
You guys are good smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 11:13:51 PM
Adventurer_Blitz wrote:
because of the schism, wouldn't they have two homeworlds? one for the virtual and one for the concrete?

I don't know, I need read again the wiki, but the "true" homeworld is Tor, and it was destroyed.

I need to go sleep, I wake up in 6 hours. smiley: sadblue
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 11:06:53 PM
because of the schism, wouldn't they have two homeworlds? one for the virtual and one for the concrete?
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 10:58:15 PM
Well, It was a big investigation, soon we will find the Endless's Homeworld if we continue. smiley: cool
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 10:53:31 PM
to add even more mystery, the hero description says he was found near an unexplored planet (which could be auriga considering this hero was added before the search, discovery, and colonization of auriga) it also says that his ship was disabled by dust mines built by the endless. in the DotE backstory GDD, it states:

''In fact, the planet Auriga once hosted a major settlement of the galaxy-travelling ancestors known as the Endless. In addition, the planet was still orbited by a functioning (and well cloaked) defensive system, which sprang eagerly to life upon the arrival of the Success. Within a few minutes, the ship was nothing but a few large chunks of metal falling toward the planet.''

auriga is also has an endless defensive system but does not state what type so it may very well be dust mines. this is getting really crazy.
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 10:43:26 PM
And, to add even more mystery, Bor have been added in Echoes of the Endless... So we know that Auriga is a Endless's colonie, and he is "silent and dour, slow to speak and quite serious, Bor seems lively and more energetic in groups, gaining energy from others", so maybe they are old Endless's machine...
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 10:42:00 PM
Plenty of amazing art screens. Hope all these are added into the game, art that helps the lore is something that ES really missed (and still does smiley: frown)
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 2:05:05 PM


The Quest system in Endless Legend serves a number of purposes. It is not just a way to obtain useful and unique bonuses, it is also a way to learn more about Auriga and the Endless Legend universe, to better understand your faction's play style and combines these into helping you accelerate your empire's development. Through quests you will teach you more about your faction's backstory and internal conflicts, and set them on course for whatever future will face them once the final winter falls on Auriga...


In Endless Legend, a quest is defined by its final goal, such as: pacifying a tribe, defeating a creature, examining a location, capturing a city, reaching economic objectives, and many other possible economic, military, and diplomatic goals. Some quests will be timed when some others may require more time and resources to be complete but for better rewards.

Each quest can have one or several objectives (steps) that must be completed. Every new quest triggered is automatically accepted and added to the Quest Journal. The Player can then choose either to do it or not.

The current step of any quests that the Player is doing will be displayed in the quest notification panel on the upper-right corner of the screen.

Working through quest objectives can reward players with standard in-game bonuses such as Dust smiley: dust, Prestige smiley: empirepoint, Luxuries, Strategic Resources, etc. However, many quests can also result in special rewards and bonuses like Technologies and Buildings that are unique to your Faction, unique Heroes, and blueprints for special Items.


Even though Quests are designed through predefined patterns, in many aspects, the experience will be different each time.

First, some reward values, as well as the level of enemy armies that spawn, are bound to the current Era.

Just like variables set at the quest trigger, Minor Factions, locations, Strategic Resources, Luxuries, item blueprints, FIDSP values, rewards, etc. are all elements that can change from one game to another for the same quest pattern.

A quest can be unique per empire, meaning that it occurs only once per Empire (but can still be triggered by other empires). Or, it can be repeatable, meaning that a quest can be obtained several times. Once a repeatable quest is completed by the Player, a cooldown is applied to make sure the Player won’t pick up the same quest again immediately afterwards.

Many multiplayer quests, involving cooperation, competition or even "coopetition" will be playable in order to offer always more of challenges and interesting twists to the Players through their game.


Faction Quest

For each playable Faction there is a sequence of 8 quests, called Chapters, each of them having 1 or several objectives to complete, and some alternative Chapters. The Faction quest must be completed in order to access the final common quest that arrives at the end-game. The Faction Quest is designed to help you maximize your faction's abilities, and the final reward should provide a powerful boost to your faction's play style. In addition you will discover the internal politics and problems of the faction and learn something of its history -- while you are determining its future!

There are always the same 2 ways to complete the final Chapter, regardless of which faction you are playing: leaving Auriga or staying to save the planet...

The Faction story is made of solo quests, though it can lead to other types of quests.

Side Quests

Most of the time, side quests are triggered either by talking to a village (a tribe of a Minor Faction) in order to pacify it OR by searching a quest Location. However, they can also be triggered by other events, for instance as a consequence of other Players' actions. Side quests are set up to be given to the Player based on specific prerequisites (e.g. current Era, presence of resources in nearby regions, Minor Faction, Player’s Faction, etc.).


Talking to a village remains probably the best way to pacify at once, all the villages of a region, when using the force or bribe has to be done with each village.

Quest Locations

Quest locations are sort of ruins that can be inspected by any army -- but only once. When the site is inspected, the Player has a chance to get an item of Loot, a quest or nothing, depending on Techs, Hero skills, Quest Location types and whether other Empires have already inspected it.

Some quest objectives can consist of searching other Quest locations (even those that have already been inspected). A Quest marker is then used as a visual feedback.


Each quest contains the following elements displayed in the Journal:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Summary (shorter version of the description)
  • Objectives (steps of the quest)
  • Outcome (dynamic field for: in progress text, completion text, failure text)
  • Status (In progress / Completed / Failed)

VIP feedback

  • Quests once Auriga has been completely explored? - Apart from the Faction Quest that should be still running after the Turn 200, and a Technology enabling to reset and inspect again all the quest locations the Player had already visited, we still think of other ways to trigger more quests: like entering a new Era under certain conditions, or when some prerequisites are verified by all Players. We particularly think of these kind of quests to provide more of multiplayer quests.
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 10:32:06 PM
Amplitude, your secret is discovered! I don't think it need more proof, the Wrecktor unit as the same face. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 10:27:03 PM
according to the wiki:

"This hero of an unknown race was found in a gutted ship, drifting in orbit around an unexplored planet. With the ship apparently destroyed by an ancient defensive ring of Dust mines that had been reanimated by Kryv's act, only Bor -- who has yet to remove his or her suit, for unknown reasons -- survived. While generally silent and dour, slow to speak and quite serious, Bor seems lively and more energetic in groups, gaining energy from others."

to me it looks like the inside of the suit is filled with blue particles that loook suspiciously like the particles in this picture of endless legend here:

and here:

coincidence or conspiracy?
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 10:10:01 PM
I have found something, but I can be wrong. They look like a the same species.

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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 10:07:09 PM
Ok, I agree, but take a look at this. It's the description of Opbot:

"Opbot has been working for Zolya's clans ever since they rescued him from the slow destruction of the planet Auriga. He never forgot the ruins of Auriga, however, and one day after centuries of service Opbot decided to rediscover the lost planet.

So, what we have here. Opbot crashed on Auriga at the time of DotE, and in ES, he want to see back the planet. So, we can say DotE take place before ES.
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 9:50:29 PM
i'm not sure about that, as far as i know there has still been no confirmation on the timeline of endless space, endless legend, and DotE so the races of those heros might not even exist in endless space.
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