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ENDLESS™ Space 2 is turn-based 4X space-strategy that launches players into the space colonization age of different civilizations within the ENDLESS™ Universe. Your Vision. Their Future.



6 years ago Jul 31,2018, 15:02:00 PM

Supremacy - Hissho Faction

11 157 Views

Hi folks,

Endless Space 2 Supremacy is coming to Steam this week, on August 2nd! We're very happy to be bringing another expansion to Endless Space 2, and we hope you'll like it, too! In case you're curious about what's coming up, we'll be publishing the game design documents over the next few days. Here's a closer look at the new faction of the Supremacy expansion, the Hissho...

Faction: Hissho

Species: Hissho

Government: The Honorable Hissho Doksai


Tempered by steel and battle, the Hissho evolved from avian ancestors on their Home Planet of Uchi. Focused on the constant wars between their own tribes, they lived ignorant of the different species roaming the galaxy until they were picked up by the Endless, augmented and then quickly put to the test as gladiators fighting in the decadent arenas of their new masters. How long this period of mindless slaughter for the pleasure of their overlords lasted, none of them could say, and of this bygone age only memories of slavery and exploitation remain, along with those of glory and adulation.  


Under the rule of the Tokso, their military and spiritual leader, both an accomplished warrior and a symbol of divine authority, the Hissho have long lived divided into clans and regions following feudal lines. However, modernity slowly eroded this very strict organization and changed the makeup of society. Oaths of loyalty are now made to “School” and the way of life prescribed inside the walls of their integrated cities.

Of those, two are worth particular attention: The Way of the Red Blade, whose focus on physical training and warmongering attitude seduced those who would see the Hissho reign supreme on the galaxy; and the Order of the Obsidian Eagle with its daily observation of religious sacrifices and hermetic discipline, earning the respect, and even the fear, of those who come into contact with it.


The Hissho are a military-oriented faction whose main gameplay feature is Keii (which translates to respect or deference). This new resource that can only be replenished through combat is used to power special abilities applied on Hissho fleets. It also drives their empire Obedience which replaces happiness and supersedes the Obedience of their star systems. Crushingly strong on the offensive, the Hissho will only fall if you cannot sustain your war economy and let your Keii wither away.


As a faction well versed in the art of combat, it’s no surprise that the Hissho would mostly house heroes focused on warfare and space battle. They are therefore best suited for admiral positions thanks to strong damage and fleet upkeep bonuses but if push comes to shove, they make decent governors… as long as your goal is to make your system a manpower and spaceship factory.


Powerful and versatile, Hissho fleets can easily switch between straightforward and devious loadouts thanks to numerous polyvalent slot modules capable of hosting both support and defense or attack modules.

Faction Card:

Population Traits

  • +1 Industry on planet
  • +2 Manpower on planet

Assimilation Traits:

  • +1 Industry on planet
  • +1 Manpower on planet

Population Collection Bonus: 

  • +1 Military Point per Hissho
  • +10% Manpower production on System with Hissho
  • - 50% ship cost production

Starting party:

  • Main: Militarist
  • Secondary: Religious


  • Militarist (War++)
  • Fanatics (Religion to war)
  • Anti-pacifist (pacifist--)

Faction Traits: Keii-do

Resources: Keii

Keii is a new resource the Hissho can use to launch special abilities and that drives their empire "Obedience" (more about that lower in this post). More specifically, it is lost by: 

  • Using special laws
  • Turning outpost into colonies
  • Building specific star system improvements
  • Retreating
  • Losing or giving up a ground battle

And it is earned by:

  • Fighting a space battle
    • The amount of Keii won depends on the respective power levels and sizes of the fleets involved.
  • Fighting and winning ground battles
  • Completing quest and deeds

Along those methods, there is also a way to boost the Keii you will obtain: through your Behemoth ’”Keii zone”.  As long as a fleet fights under this specific circular region generated by Hissho Behemoths, you will passively get a 20% boost to all Keii gains after a battle.

Keii uses: Glorious actions

Glorious actions are special abilities that the player can use on a fleet, star system or a Behemoth to impact them. 

  • They are unlocked when the player has reached a certain threshold of Keii and cost Dust and/or strategic resources to be used
  • Their effect last for a fixed number of turns
  • Only one of each Glorious action can be active at a time

There are 4 different Glorious actions whose effect depend on their target.

On a fleet/system:

  • Order of the Red Blade:
    • Target type: fleet
    • Gives the “Emperor’s Guard” bonus to ships belonging to the fleet ( +20% damage, +20% Hull absorption, +20% shield absorption)
  • War Banner:
    • Target type: fleet
    • +2 movement points on ships, +2 vision range on ships, +50% health shown to enemies on Fleet, + 50% military power shown to enemies on fleet
  • Way of the Obsidian Eagle:
    • Target type: Owned Colonized Star System
    • Colonized star system will benefit from +25% Industry
  • Homeland defense:
    • Target type: Owned Colonized Star System
    • Unlock a special Tactic granting bonus DMG done to Attacker in Ground battle (system specific) and + 20% manpower generated per turn on system

On a Behemoth:

  • Order of the Red Blade:
    • Gives the “Emperor’s Guard” bonus to ships inside the Behemoth’s Keii zone ( +20% damage, +20% Hull absorption, +20% shield absorption)
  • War Banner:
    • Fleets in the Keii zone get +1 movement points on ships, +1 vision range on ships, +35% health shown to enemies on Fleet, + 35% military power shown to enemies on fleet
  • Way of the Obsidian Eagle:
    • System under the Behemoth’s Keii zone will benefit from +20% Industry
  • Homeland defense:
    • System under the Behemoth’s Keii zone will unlock a special Tactic granting bonus DMG done to Attacker in Ground battle (system specific) and + 15% manpower generated per turn on systems

Keii uses: Obedience 

Hissho do not have Empire approval and instead have Empire Obedience which directly depends on Keii: your stock of it is directly equal to your percentage of Obedience. They do not have star system Happiness either and get a local Obedience which is always equal to the Empire’s: your Empire basically follows you in unison, they all obey you or all hate you.  

This also means that most approval/happiness granting system improvement, laws, etc are replaced for the Hissho.

Keii uses: Colonization

The Hisshos use colonizers like all other factions; however:

  • Their Outposts have a 50% natural growth penalty, and the migration ships also only take 50% of their usual content

  • They only have access to 2 outpost actions:

    • Transform outpost into colony

    • Stilt growth of enemy outpost

  • Their Outposts never turn into a Colony naturally

    • They have to use the action

  • This action costs a certain amount of Keii 

    • This amount decreases with the progress on the Outpost, down to a minimum cost

      • The minimum cost is set to 10 and scales up with the number of systems above the over-colonization threshold

    • The action instantly turns the Outpost into a Colony

Faction Trait: Sacred Tradition

Along with Obedience, Hissho have a special way of dealing with politic.  This faction trait ensures that Hissho will not change government type even after a period of rebellion.  It also allow them to view the destination of their enemies' fleets.


Faction Trait: Observance

After each new election, the Hissho will gain access to a new "Observance", a ritual that sacrifice a population in exchange for a specific bonus. The newest observance will replace the last one and after 3 elections, the cycle of rituals is over and restarts.


Faction Trait: Pirates Slayers

An honorable faction, the Hissho refuse to deal with Pirates in any other way than war.  All diplomatic interactions with the pirates are off the table but in exchange, Hissho earn twice as much loot when destroying a pirate lair.

Faction Trait: Resources Recoverers

Hissho mining probes can also collect part of the FIDS resources of the planet they've been set up on.


That's it for the Hissho! I'm personally very fond of them and their gameplay, and I hope many of you will take up the war banners in your future games!

We'll be back tomorrow with another game design document... what do you like most about the new Hissho?

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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 3:15:34 PM

So, left ones are ecologists and religiouses with democracy and republic. Plus, next one would be a spy wraith faction.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 3:20:56 PM

They look awesome, very well done indeed. Is there any other ways to generate keii passively? Im wondering because of the +0 in front of the value in the UI, is there something similar to the vodyani essence modules?

 Anyway I specially like how warbanner creates a way to bluff about your numbers and maybe intimidate or even buy some time, I'm assuming the opponent will never know when warbanner is in use unless he actually attacks a fleet? 

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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 3:23:36 PM

So excited! This sounds and reads wonderful, I can't wait to give them a go.

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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 3:26:14 PM

Damn, this expansion keeps looking better and better. I dig the aesthetic so much, even having played the first ES I wouldn’t have expected to like the Hissho’s design to the extent I do. Is there any artwork out there of the Mesoamerican/Samurai-inspired space chickens without their helmets?

Also, what minor faction do they start off with?

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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 3:41:37 PM

On paper they look very promising. I hope they wont fail me. Because whats concerning to me is that their twisted gameplay has potential to result in disbalance or being very susceptible to RNG. However I know that amplitute is very good at balancing twisted factions.

And due to fact that I love twisted factions...

Well I of course love amplitude's games. 

PS: It will be long 46 hours.

PS2: Does anybody has unused stasis pod?

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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 3:46:06 PM

I like everything about this faction. I think its really funny that you can fake your manpower to hopefully cause the enemy forces to retreat. There gameplay is going to be interesting and fun. Super excited to have to manage keii, war, and all the new things added to their faction. Good job!

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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 3:50:30 PM

They look amazing, I can barely wait to play them.

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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 4:06:41 PM

Population Collection Bonus: 

  • +1 Military Point per Hissho
  • +10% Manpower production on System with Hissho
  • - 50% ship cost production

Oh thats pretty cool...



"- 50% ship cost production"

 ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ       ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ       ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ       ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ  LETS MAKE SOME FLEETS, BIRD BOYS  ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

 ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ       ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 4:11:58 PM

Very interesting. I'm wondering what Hissho get instead of approval bonuses. What about the buildings that generate approval for other factions? Do they generate Keii? Also what government type do they use? I saw "Dominion", does that mean Dictatorship or Autocracy? Can you change this government type? Also do I have to use Observance aftr an election? From reading this it seems like blood ritual would usually be the best choice. Do Hissho start with a behemoth? 

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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 4:19:26 PM
sheredynplayer wrote:

Very interesting. I'm wondering what Hissho get instead of approval bonuses. What about the buildings that generate approval for other factions? Do they generate Keii? Also what government type do they use? I saw "Dominion", does that mean Dictatorship or Autocracy? Can you change this government type? Also do I have to use Observance aftr an election? From reading this it seems like blood ritual would usually be the best choice. Do Hissho start with a behemoth? 

All approval bonuses from buildings and hero skills are replaced for Hissho. There are no buildings that directly generate Keii, but there are those that increase the amount gained from battles. You can change governmant type. Observance can be used between elections in a construction queue and takes 1 turn. They do start with a behemoth. Also if you are not fond of agressive playstyle there is a single way to improve Keii passively - a special pacifist law. The amounts are kinda tiny though.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 4:23:49 PM

"- 50% ship cost production"

 ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ       ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ       ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ       ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ  LETS MAKE SOME FLEETS, BIRD BOYS  ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

 ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ       ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

It is actually 25% in the game for now hm.

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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 4:26:11 PM

Thanks for your answer. So I get you just change to federation like every other faction and that way its super easy to maintain 100% ecstatic on your whole empire because empire approval is the same for all systems? Or does increasing colonization threshhold not work that way for Keii? Edit: Also what are mining probes? Something to do with researching curiosities?

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 4:38:00 PM
sheredynplayer wrote:

Thanks for your answer. So I get you just change to federation like every other faction and that way its super easy to maintain 100% ecstatic on your whole empire because empire approval is the same for all systems? Or does increasing colonization threshhold not work that way for Keii? Edit: Also what are mining probes? Something to do with researching curiosities?

So it is important to say that in order to finish an Outpost Hissho need to spend an amount of Keii. This amount starts at the number of 99 (as I remember) and decreases as much as outpost's food increases, but it can't be less than 10. So at some point you need to pay that 10 to create a colony. Hissho don't care about overcolonization in terms of approval (obedience). The overcolonization penalty for them is quite different - the treshhold for paying Keii on the outposts goes up. I didn't try becoming a Federation but I guess that decreases the Keii treshold for every hero on empire.

Mining probes are support modules that can only be utilized by behemoths. You then can orbit a system that has at least 1 planet that is not yet colonized, shoot a probe at it and that probe will leech a certain number  (dependant on the module quality) of strategics/luxuries each turn + give some FIDSI to your best system if you play as Hissho.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 5:27:59 PM
SamWAR wrote:

Is there any other ways to generate keii passively? Im wondering because of the +0 in front of the value in the UI, is there something similar to the vodyani essence modules?

 Anyway I specially like how warbanner creates a way to bluff about your numbers and maybe intimidate or even buy some time, I'm assuming the opponent will never know when warbanner is in use unless he actually attacks a fleet? 

In addition to abovementioned law, high-tier hero skills that  set system approval to ecstatic instead give passive +0.5 keii/turn generation.

The increment you see there is usually decrement - generic laws that give you dust and science in exchange of approval instead consume keii at various rates per turn.

I can't tell if warbanner is used even after attacking the fleet :P

BG123 wrote:

Damn, this expansion keeps looking better and better. I dig the aesthetic so much, even having played the first ES I wouldn’t have expected to like the Hissho’s design to the extent I do. Is there any artwork out there of the Mesoamerican/Samurai-inspired space chickens without their helmets?

Also, what minor faction do they start off with?

Haven't seen a single one without a helmet, nor for their ES1 variant to be fair. I guess they just look avian.

They start with Illo:

  • +1 Influence per pop
  • religious (++), anti-industrialists (--), fanatical (military to religious)
  • 20 pop bonus: +10% influence on systems with Illo
  • 50 pop bonus: law (+5% Influence per war)

sheredynplayer wrote:

Thanks for your answer. So I get you just change to federation like every other faction and that way its super easy to maintain 100% ecstatic on your whole empire because empire approval is the same for all systems? 

Even though it's super easy to maintain high approval obedience once you raise it, you'd rarely do that, because spending keii is super usefull. For example, Hissho can research special planetray specialization techs that give +1/+2/+3 FIDS per pop, but it costs 25 keii to switch.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 5:36:37 PM

Federation bonus works in a same way for overcolonization threshold, it simply increases it on 1 per hero. But due to Hissho very militaristic nature, I hardly see them use anything but Dictatorship for other parties. They don't care above colonization threshold and its penalty, because colonization isn't their main mechanism of expansion - invasion of other systems is.

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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 5:42:11 PM

So I'm guessing that the slow rate of colonization is supposed to encourage you to take other systems instead of settling your own, right?

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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 5:49:32 PM
RoboPig wrote:

So I'm guessing that the slow rate of colonization is supposed to encourage you to take other systems instead of settling your own, right?

Right, moreover you are able to skip mutinous state of the conquered system due to the set level of Obedience. System conversion is still there though.

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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 5:52:27 PM

Provided you aren't in war with your neighbors. And even if you are in cold war, religious Hissho produce so much influence, it will be them converting you, not vice versa.

P.S. oops, i just realised it was about post-invasion ownership conversion, not a pacific conversion. My argument still works though.

Updated 6 years ago.
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