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2 years ago May 25,2022, 14:00:35 PM

Mississippians Community Event

15 913 Views

The da Vinci Event may be over, but we’ve got more in store for you with the Mississippians Community Event starting today. Switching things up a little, this event does not feature individual challenges, but instead pools the contribution of all our players towards unlocking a special reward for everybody: A new culture to be added to the game, the Mississippians!


As you might be able to guess from their name, the Mississippian culture flourished along the banks of the Mississippi and its tributaries, establishing numerous chiefdoms between the 9th and 17th century. Their influence extended across much of the south-eastern part of the present-day United States, but they are nonetheless sometimes called Cahokians after one of their biggest and most influential settlements. At the heart of these settlements lay a public plaza with monumental earthen mounds, with structures ranging from grain silos to temples constructed on top of them, given these flat-topped pyramids great cultural and ritual significance. 


This event will run from today May 25th to June 9th, and since the Mississippians are well-known for their earthworks, this challenge is all about construction, counting the Builder Era Stars all of our players collect. It doesn’t matter which culture you’re playing, if you’re using mods, or the Bolivar beta. Just build your beautiful cities and collect those era stars! 

On your way to unlocking the Mississippian culture, we also have some other rewards in store for you: 

  • 500 000 Builder Stars: A wallpaper pack with the culture art for the Mississippians... and maybe more 

  • 1 000 000 Builder Stars: The Soundtrack for the Mississippian culture 

  • 2 000 000 Build Stars: The Mississippian culture unlocked in the game 

All unlocked rewards will become available with a future update and be free for everyone who owns the game. You can check progress on these rewards at any time by checking the Humankind Games2Gether homepage, which will update regularly. 


Knowing how passionate our players are, we’re sure you’ll reach these goals easily. So, have fun building your grand cities!

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 2:15:51 PM

Ooh, unlockable cultures is a novel idea!

Unrelated, I'd love to see Malaysia join the game in one respect or another (I'm a history novice, so I may be unaware of significant existing cultural ties, mind).

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 2:23:54 PM
Thighs wrote:

Ooh, unlockable cultures is a novel idea!

Unrelated, I'd love to see Malaysia join the game in one respect or another (I'm a history novice, so I may be unaware of significant existing cultural ties, mind).

Noted for Malaysia ;)

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 2:29:17 PM
To quickly summarize my thoughts:

Timed event = BAD

No arbitrary culture restrictions = GOOD

Reasonable goal = NOT SURE

We didn't even reach 1M era stars *of all types* during the Lunar New Year challenge so I'm a little skeptical that we'll hit 2M for only Builder stars.  However, the LNY challenge restricted everyone to only 3 cultures so I don't know whether restricting the eligible cultures or restricting the star type would slow progress more.  Guess we'll see.

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 2:33:00 PM
benblond wrote:
Thighs wrote:

Ooh, unlockable cultures is a novel idea!

Unrelated, I'd love to see Malaysia join the game in one respect or another (I'm a history novice, so I may be unaware of significant existing cultural ties, mind).

Noted for Malaysia ;)

Very cool! Unfortunately I couldn't unlock the last Da Vinci challenge as I'd accidentally disqualified my last game from the science victory (I'd only enabled the space race victory by mistake). I'm happy that this challenge is community based though, I love massive team efforts like this. 

Also holy crap, someone from the Dev Team taking note of Malaysia! While Malaysia itself may be a long shot (though it'd be a pretty cool choice for a modern culture), I'd still love to see more Southeast Asian representation in the game as there's some great cultures that could be included.

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 3:02:04 PM

I much prefer this idea - I always struggled to get into the individual events which would deter me from playing the game (some form of FOMO I guess?) This seems much more in-line with the idea of 'Humankind' that we see in the intro video; that it's a collective effort to overcome challenges.

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 3:07:56 PM

Sometimes I have a lot of time to play - sometimes I don't. Unfortunately, during this event, it will be one of my lower periods. Had you done it two weeks ago until now, I would have been pounding out those builder stars.

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 3:42:09 PM
Jacket-Eng wrote:

I much prefer this idea - I always struggled to get into the individual events which would deter me from playing the game (some form of FOMO I guess?) This seems much more in-line with the idea of 'Humankind' that we see in the intro video; that it's a collective effort to overcome challenges.

I also prefer this way of implementing challenges, if this month I don't have much time to play, I know my fellow humankind gamers will cover my back and I hope to be able to cover theirs when I have more time on my hands.

I personally don't like individualistic challenges with no way to re address them later

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 4:07:44 PM

what Era is this culture?

I would say classical, but it's hard to say since they share a time frame with the Aztec.

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 4:28:56 PM
SpikedWallMan wrote:
To quickly summarize my thoughts:

Timed event = BAD

No arbitrary culture restrictions = GOOD

Reasonable goal = NOT SURE

We didn't even reach 1M era stars *of all types* during the Lunar New Year challenge so I'm a little skeptical that we'll hit 2M for only Builder stars.  However, the LNY challenge restricted everyone to only 3 cultures so I don't know whether restricting the eligible cultures or restricting the star type would slow progress more.  Guess we'll see.


Your reference to LNY event is very good point!

I'm afraid that 2M goal is impossible... :(

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 4:44:44 PM

Will there be another way to play the Event cultures? 
Will they be included in a DLC down the road ?
(2M Builders stars is stratospheric in the few hours of gameplay I'd be able to find) 

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 4:50:09 PM

I love the idea of community challenges, I really really do, but asking for a two million goal is just insane. Humankind simply does not have the recurring players to fulfill such an immense task. I much prefer the individual goals for that exact reason, I don't need to rely on the roughly two thousand or so other people who play this game to all do their part and get the required ~1,000 stars each to reach the final reward. At least with individual tasks there's a chance to get the reward.

If the reward thresholds were lowered significantly then I would have absolutely no problem with community events, but as is it just leaves me feeling completely hopeless. With the last one we only missed out on an AI persona, but now we're probably going to miss out on a whole culture with all its unique gameplay because there just aren't enough people and there isn't enough time.

I hope really, really hope this culture is available somehow later. I'd even be happy paying for it, the Mississippians are a really cool culture that I have personal connection to because I live right next to a former settlement of theirs. It's just so sad that the time and effort put into developing this content will probably never be enjoyed because there's no chance we're reaching that two million goal.

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 5:03:26 PM

Interesting and exciting choice! We need more "New World" cultures, especially pre-Columbian.  Mississipians are a nice choice, too.  I was just thinking this morning we needed more pre-Columbian Wonders, and I was going to suggest Chichen Itza, the Nazca Lines, something Puebloan (though cliff dwellings feel more EQ), and Mississippian Mounds.

2M builders stars is going to be an interesting challenge.  Each player can collect only a max of 18 builder stars per game. My games can run longer than a week, even if I'm focused on it (which isn't often), so this goal requires more than 100,000 players to earn every builder star once.  (More likely closer to 200,000 players earning ten Builder stars each.)

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 5:06:13 PM
HorizonShadow wrote:

Don't suppose Stadia is included in this? 

Probably once again not. I really start to hate this game more and more because of how the stadia platform is treated. We paid the same, but are not equal.

Ah well, back to Cities Skylines then! (Although not the same, but it's at least a building game)

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 5:16:04 PM
Hargindel wrote:

Will there be another way to play the Event cultures?
Will they be included in a DLC down the road ?
(2M Builders stars is stratospheric in the few hours of gameplay I'd be able to find) 

it's a community challenge, everybody in the Community participates, and if the goal is achieved the culture will be Unlock Permenantly for All players, whether they participated or not.

or atleast that how the previous Community events worked, so you don't have to get 2M stars yourself, but the community as a whole.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 5:36:55 PM

Joint struggle is the most ideal. Thats a great idea.
We would like to see the Seljuks. :)

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 6:08:52 PM

This is an incredible idea! playing to unlock different civilizations!

Any way Colombia could be in there? :D

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 6:38:17 PM

Culture unlocked through a challenge is a really cool idea but that amount of stars with that time period... even if extended, I expect we'll struggle to unlock even second tier.

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 7:04:20 PM

More cultures is always good.
Especially in the America's. I like to have a region-locked culture that evolves over time, and get annoyed when another AI nicks the one I wanted.
(Ex: Romans -> Venetians -> Italians)

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