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Many Achievements are bugged/not working

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 10:51:14 AM

First things first: I haven't found a Search function in this forums (if there is none, please add one, as this is essential for finding help), so this might be already reported. Allthough it isn't mentioned in the 'Known Issues' thread either.

Many of the achievements seem to be broken.

All the 'Achieve XX Era Stars'. I just finished a game where I got all 18 stars for Agrarian, Scientist, Militarist and Builder and the 12 stars for Aesthete. Non of those achievements where given, allthough it counted it upwards from other games before (see below).

Also broken seem :

- the 'Hire X Armies' (as I hired at least 10 Armies in that game)

- Landstalker: Finish a game possessing at least half the Territories. (I had games where I got 2 of 3 continents completely and the third at least 2/3 in my territory)

Either broken or very missleading:

- Wonder Full: Build every Cultural Wonder over several games. (even though I probably haven't built every wonder so far, I should have at least half of it. Steam displays a progress bar with a weird number to it but with 0 progress recognized.

PS: Also the Expansionst Era Stars Achievement is ridicolously hard (if not impossible) to achieve (at least on huge maps?)

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 7, 2021, 12:41:38 PM

Confirm same issue with the Achieve XX Era Stars.

Really annoying as I had run a game just to get those...

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3 years ago
Sep 7, 2021, 2:12:36 PM

Wonder-Full has got some weird overflow thing going on, if you see it on the game page its at -1 out of that number

I haven't worked out how to get land stalker yet, but every other achievement is achievable (the era star ones I had to do in one sitting, as in can't save and load and I had to do them before the game ended (it didnt count pass the continue game screen). Also what was interesting was the growth star and knowledge star from the Neolithic era counted towards the Science and Agrarian stars.

But on that note on landstalker, some people out there must have it since they have the aggregator bias on their personas;

I've tried a few things (Huge 100% land conquered everything)

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3 years ago
Sep 10, 2021, 7:09:42 PM


I am into earning all trophies but some are still bugged asf. The build every wonder over multiple games is totally not working: as my steam is saying this: 0 / 4,194,303 for this achievement. I tried earning landstalker (again) today and I even played out the entire game in one setting (on fast diff ofc). I tried out the small map (not tiny because I wanted more AIs in game) and conquered the entire continent. I made sure the settings were on 100% land and therefore only one continent exists. However, when I won the game landstalker still wasn't unlocked, even though I conquered every bit of territory available. I also wasn't able to achieve the 18 Expansionist stars trophy, same issue here as I conquered every bit of land. However, I might found the issue for the Genghis achievement. 

There was still neutral territory ingame, but these were very tiny ocean tiles without any part of land that you could settle. So in order for this achievement to work: they either have to lower the amount of territories you need to have to earn stars ( I do still think this is a good thing, because they are absurdly hard to earn), or (might be and aswell cuz of a fix) they need to ensure such territories do not count towards land you can settle.

These issues and problems are probably also screwing up the landstalker achievement.

I also do not understand how you can earn the MVP and one man army achievement, I always try it when doing millitairy runs, but I am still locked at 17 kills atm. I found that even when bringing a stronger army, the AI manages to sacrifice its entire army/garrison on just one unit. But doing so still results in my unit dying due to sheer numbers. Anyone got any tips to earn those achievements?

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3 years ago
Sep 11, 2021, 8:37:45 AM

For the kills one, it does mean one unit gets that many kills (not the regiment). What I did was manually battle with an OP unit (Khmer/Mughal/Siamese elephants(I don't know if upgrading also resets the count so i did it with Siamese Elephants)), with as many positive combat modifiers for myself. I also didnt send them in solo, I ran a full stack and just kept a track of how many kills each elephant got (renamed each elephant that got a kill after each battle (you dont have to do this but it helped me keep a track)), try to make sure the same elephants get a kill every engagement, but not necessarily every kill, otherwise you can get your units killed regardless of how strong they are (enemy units deal a minimum 5 - 25 damage, but it always feels like they always get the full 25).

I did this all in one sitting (no save loads), I don't know if that is a requirement but it is for the era star ones. Fighting independents is easier than AI as they don't run from fights and thus retreat farther than you can chase. Attacking Settlements is a good because the militia are pretty rubbish and you're usually guaranteed to fight about 6 units each settlement.

Landstalker I still haven't worked out how to trigger it. However there are personas on the player collection search that have aggregator so they some how triggered it. I'm wondering if its a versioning thing where Gamepass users or something maybe able to get it with their version but not Steam users.

That and Wonder-full is defintely bugged, but its possible to get every other achievement besides those 2 on steam with my proof here;

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3 years ago
Sep 12, 2021, 5:00:07 PM

Thanks for the help on the kill thing, I will try it out next time. I don't like the randomness of some achievements though, as it means I will have to try getting the 18 expansionist star multiple times. Until I get a world generated that contains enough land to occupy. Also falling out can be hard to obtain due to the random placement of capitals cities and overall cities.

I also wonder how you can get The Stars My Destination achievement? Does it mean you have to win by gaining all stars in the contemporary era? Or obtain all stars in EVERY era? Also, If you want to win due to gaining every star in the contemporary era, you have to put win conditions on default. And I ALWAYS end up winning due to gaining every tech, and I can't seem to find a button that lets you skip decision making on tech researching. So I am wondering how to gain that achievement as well. 

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3 years ago
Oct 3, 2021, 4:02:56 AM

The trick for all stars are my destination is to not accend until you have every star. You ignore the prompting to accend. You end up with whatever the AI left over for next civs, and for a you will get behind on techs due to having to wait to accend on other stars. 

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3 years ago
Oct 8, 2021, 5:24:32 AM

I share your pain, I've finished 2 games with completing every star excluding the military stars & still have none of the star achievements (12 OR 18)... owell still playing but it IS a downer

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3 years ago
Oct 10, 2021, 12:24:58 PM
Garytop wrote:

For the kills one, it does mean one unit gets that many kills (not the regiment). What I did was manually battle with an OP unit (Khmer/Mughal/Siamese elephants(I don't know if upgrading also resets the count so i did it with Siamese Elephants)), with as many positive combat modifiers for myself. I also didnt send them in solo, I ran a full stack and just kept a track of how many kills each elephant got (renamed each elephant that got a kill after each battle (you dont have to do this but it helped me keep a track)), try to make sure the same elephants get a kill every engagement, but not necessarily every kill, otherwise you can get your units killed regardless of how strong they are (enemy units deal a minimum 5 - 25 damage, but it always feels like they always get the full 25).

I did this all in one sitting (no save loads), I don't know if that is a requirement but it is for the era star ones. Fighting independents is easier than AI as they don't run from fights and thus retreat farther than you can chase. Attacking Settlements is a good because the militia are pretty rubbish and you're usually guaranteed to fight about 6 units each settlement.

Landstalker I still haven't worked out how to trigger it. However there are personas on the player collection search that have aggregator so they some how triggered it. I'm wondering if its a versioning thing where Gamepass users or something maybe able to get it with their version but not Steam users.

That and Wonder-full is defintely bugged, but its possible to get every other achievement besides those 2 on steam with my proof here;

Can i ask how did you manage to trigger the falling out one? I have been trying but it just seems impossible.

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3 years ago
Oct 10, 2021, 12:26:00 PM
Rekler02 wrote:

I share your pain, I've finished 2 games with completing every star excluding the military stars & still have none of the star achievements (12 OR 18)... owell still playing but it IS a downer

Every time you load a save it will be counted as a new game. You have to do the achievement all in one sitting with the blitz speed.

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3 years ago
Nov 1, 2021, 12:15:49 AM

MVP works across saves. I got the achievement with a Musketeer by attacking outdated city state units and random roaming rebels. The army protected the Musketeer while it searched for high ground and kill shots.

The Hire Army achievements are also bugged and lose track when you reload. Refreshing the Rented Army counter with gold will not work (I had 12, my counter is still stuck at 6). I will wait until there are 20 City State armies and hire them all at the same time.

One thing to note is that most of these bugged achievements will be fixed sooner or later. Might be worth ignoring them for now. Either play for fun, or play something else.

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3 years ago
Nov 1, 2021, 1:52:12 PM
acidemon wrote:

- Landstalker: Finish a game possessing at least half the Territories. (I had games where I got 2 of 3 continents completely and the third at least 2/3 in my territory)

Landstalker unlocked for me on the Fabius Maximus beta. Does anyone want hints/tips? (I was not even chasing this achievement, so I suspect it will unlock pretty easily after Fabius Maximus is released).

See -> https://steamcommunity.com/id/blkbutterfly74/stats/appid/1124300/achievements

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 2, 2021, 5:09:41 PM

I confirm that the Fabius Maximus beta fixes the Landstalker achievement since I got it yesterday, unfortunately Wonder-Full is still broken.

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2 years ago
Dec 16, 2021, 1:23:29 PM

I cannot finish three achievements:

- Lord of the Flies (2/3) - I cannot configure game for 3 AI on tiny map

- Wonder-Full (0/4,194,303) - I built all wonders

- Cartographer (4/5) - My personal best is 6 landmarks in a single game.

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2 years ago
Jan 5, 2022, 10:21:24 AM
irw wrote:

I cannot finish three achievements:

- Lord of the Flies (2/3) - I cannot configure game for 3 AI on tiny map

- Wonder-Full (0/4,194,303) - I built all wonders

- Cartographer (4/5) - My personal best is 6 landmarks in a single game.

Small update. I've achieved Cartographer. I played game on small map with New Continent. And I was the first player who explored whole new continent.

The Landmark is not a Natural Wonder (Wonderful Deed) as I thought. It's hard to trace that. It's only visible in mid-zoom level. It could be Forests, Mountains, Lakes, Deserts or Rivers.

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2 years ago
Jan 7, 2022, 7:34:14 AM

Lord of the flies achievement i still bugged for me and i did several games. As the achievement doesn't state it has to be on a tiny map anymore, i tried 3 AI on small, large and 2 on tiny. I noticed some people got the achievement, and i'm wondering if someone could indicate me how they setup their game in order to trigger it.

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2 years ago
Jan 7, 2022, 12:49:45 PM

Some people achieved, because there was a bug. Before 1.2.139 patch, players were able to achieve "Lord of the Flies" together with "There Can Be Only One".

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jan 7, 2022, 7:14:28 PM
irw wrote:

Some people achieved, because there was a bug. Before 1.2.139 patch, players were able to achieve "Lord of the Flies" together with "There Can Be Only One".

Yea but what bugs me out is that more people on Steam got the lord of the flies achievement, 1.7% than "There Can be Only One", 0,9%. Maybe there are some specific settings in order to achieve it somehow. But yea it is indeed bugged.

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2 years ago
Jan 24, 2022, 3:23:13 PM

New patch. Nothing has changed. Both "Wonder-Full" and "Lord of Flies" are still broken.

What's more, I've finished a new achievement ("Close Encounters of the Endless Kind") without playing a game with the Endless Mod.

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