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Endless Space 2
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ENDLESS™ Space 2 is turn-based 4X space-strategy that launches players into the space colonization age of different civilizations within the ENDLESS™ Universe. Your Vision. Their Future.

Add-ons and Expansion Packs stopped working

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6 years ago
Jan 21, 2018, 8:25:18 AM

At around 12am January 21st, I exited a 500+ turn game as the Vaulters and went to the menu to start a new game for the Endless Day Achievement, only it didn't show the Vaulters as a playable faction, nor did it show the Pathfinders skin option and the Mezari Fleet skin option. So I checked the Content page and all of the Add-ons and the Vaulter Expansion are now listed as "coming-soon" even though they were fine all day January 20th. 

I exited the game, restarted steam multiple times, and loaded the game back up but nothing seems to change the fact that all the extra content is now listed as "coming soon" 

Has anyone else seen this and is there a reason for this (did it have to do with them disabling the Vaulters DLC till the 25th ?)


Any help would be much appreciated ! Thanks 

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jan 21, 2018, 10:04:32 AM

There was a issue with Vaulters being released for some people a week to early. The final decision was to basically turn it off for new games. But allow people with already started games to continue as the Vaulters.

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6 years ago
Jan 21, 2018, 2:48:18 PM
zgrssd wrote:

There was a issue with Vaulters being released for some people a week to early. The final decision was to basically turn it off for new games. But allow people with already started games to continue as the Vaulters.

That is true but it doesn't explain why his other DLCs are turned off.

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6 years ago
Jan 21, 2018, 7:57:00 PM

Yeah, like I can still load up the game that I already had started but everything else is shut off, it doesn't make sense 

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6 years ago
Jan 22, 2018, 10:23:13 AM


Did you check if the DLCs were installed on steam ?

Could you send us your logs ?

*Diagnostic files (located by default under "C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Documents\Endless Space 2\Temporary Files" -- for Mac users: "User/YOUR_USER_NAME/Library/Application Support/Endless Space 2/Temporary Files") and select the correct file by looking at the name like "Diagnostics - 2016'10'11 @1407'46''" that gives you the date and hour which should correspond to a save file)


C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Documents\Endless Space 2\Users\xxxxxxxx\registry.xml


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Endless Space 2\EndlessSpace2_Data\output_log.txt


Updated 6 years ago.
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