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ENDLESS™ Space 2 is turn-based 4X space-strategy that launches players into the space colonization age of different civilizations within the ENDLESS™ Universe. Your Vision. Their Future.

Academy metaplot quests

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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 3:05:29 PM

I finished one.

You have to find the Academy from the quest (which doesn't always proc, this is a bug). After that, at turn 100 a "Save the Academy" quest will proc. You must save the Academy. After that, it will just continue to unfold.

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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 4:46:40 PM

ok i got one ,where i have to build the academy by raising minor faction population throughout the galaxy within a timeframe , however this quest seems to be bugged , the population werent counted and timer is on zero but the quest is still active.

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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 9:51:39 PM

There's a few glaring issues with some of the Academy quests.

The one that I've run into several times is for the "Preserve The Academy" Quest.

10 turns to eliminate 10 Rogue Vodyani fleets.

The issues?

Nr 1:
The quest marker is for the System the Academy is located in, and not actually where the fleets are (usually 1 fleet spawns immediately in the system when the quest starts) now this would not be an issue, if not for issue nr 2.

Nr 2:
The fleets in question do not converge on the System that houses the Academy.
This is either a bug (getting stuck in other inhabited systems etc), or it's poorly thought out.
It would make a whole lot more sense if the rogue fleets were converging on the Academy to attack it.

Nr 3:
The Quest fails if you do not eliminate all of the fleets within 10 turns, (which you can't really do, because they are nowhere near the Academy) would it not make more sense to just "protect" the System that Academy is located in, for those 10 turns instead?

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 21, 2017, 1:35:04 PM

Yeah, the academy questline seems utterly broken as of now.

Exarch1 wrote:

ok i got one ,where i have to build the academy by raising minor faction population throughout the galaxy within a timeframe , however this quest seems to be bugged , the population werent counted and timer is on zero but the quest is still active.

I posted a thread on bug report forum about the buggy timer and the game not counting minor faction pops owned by other factions. Let's hope the devs take care to fix all these issues by next patch. Minor bugs here and there are understandable, but the main quest and storyline of the game not functioning properly is pretty inexcusable.

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7 years ago
May 21, 2017, 4:15:31 PM

I was able to protect the Academy, but I'm playing on a Slow game and I had thirty turns, and in their meanderings, they either ran into the academy, or I was able to hunt them down with a second, spare fleet.

Note that despite being billed as Vodyani, they had Prowlers and Accelerators (Sophonic ships), which I thought was odd.  Shouldn't they have Vodyani Gouges and Racks?

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