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Over-colonization Penalty -10 Approval per system too much?

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 9:18:19 AM

Eek! That -310 is pretty staggering.

I think the best way to solve it would be to add another tech that decreases the overcolonisation malus. Like Macsen (btw, love your vids), I like anti-snowball mechanics, and I don't think just halving the malus (or something like that) would be the best way to stop any early game rush snowballing. A T4/5 -50% overcolonisation disapproval on Empire tech would do the trick. Could stick it in the Empire improvement tree. 

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7 years ago
May 26, 2017, 8:37:26 PM

I just loaded an old save game using the last public beta patch 0.3.7 - Riftborn to find out how exactly the overcolonization numbers have been changed.  The save game was actually the last save I had from a Let's Play.

I had 32 colonized systems and 13 was the limit on a large ovoid map.  The overcolonization approval penalty on all of my systems was -44.9.  To round out the numbers I took another system to take me 20 over exactly.  The penalty rose to -47.3.  (I had no bonuses to overcolonization approval).

With the release version each system lowers your approval  by -10 on that map size past the soft cap.  Being 20 over will result in -200 approval.

So from those numbers it's obvious there has been a massive change in this area you are now are getting over four times as much negative approval for expansion as we once were on some maps if not all...  Although I welcome the new system being simpler (the fact the numbers are rounded) the penalty has been way over done and needs immediate balancing!!! 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 26, 2017, 1:42:32 PM
Maverik wrote:


Supporting the player fetish "Empire map painting" shouldn't be a desing goal in my opinion, 

I didn't realize players who want conquest in a 4X game were considered to be so kinky :)

I get where certain people may be coming from, they don't want their preferred way they play the game affected by changes.  Balancing this issue wouldn't stop players from holing up in a corner and going after a dust/science/wonder/score win.  The likes of the AI e.g. Cravers may be more of a threat since they could actually expand without ridiculous issues but beyond that it would be the near exact same.

For people who actually want to possibly win via conquest or actually just have a larger empire without running into tedious, excruciating, time consuming levels of micromanagement past a certain point of expansion some balance changes would be hugely beneficial.  I don't think anyone is saying the anti-expansion mechanics should be done away with just balanced.

Some of the previous examples highlighted suffering over -300 approval issues near to conquest.  Orcamania5 mentioned a dense medium map he played on needs 58 systems for conquest that's nearly -500 approval after overcolonization tech etc on that map and it's a steep drop -10 approval each system on maps around that size as well.  Yes there are lots of ways to mitigate issues to win via conquest/create an empire beyond the planet threshold most been have mentioned but not all are possible every game and there is level of unnecessary tedium and micromanagement that is to be avoided.

I started this thread genuinely seeking others opinions on this though I was pretty confident this was an issue I am now totally convinced this needs to be balanced, not just for people who want solo conquest but just for normal larger expansion and for the AI's sake.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 26, 2017, 4:45:45 AM

Mavros unlock a law that  gives -50% to the overcolonizatiion penalty, reducing 10 to 5 in a natural way. Another option to take.

Over population can be negated entirely by the Kalgeros (this one never is really that high).

You can check out my post where I bring up information on minor factions that isn't easily accessible knowledge beforehand.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 26, 2017, 2:23:02 AM

The allied territories count in the conquest victory, so that victory is viable like all the others, I unlock the achievement playing on a big map with serious difficulty right now.


Supporting the player fetish "Empire map painting" shouldn't be a desing goal in my opinion, If you reduce the happiness penalty you make happiness into useless resource for every other playstyle and you eliminate the motivation to go for happiness laws/tech/events for mid sized empires.

I'm seeing a lot of complaining about this even in other forums so probably they will change it, I just hope they introduce some other changes too, To keep decision making interesting in any playstyle and avoid the steamroll effect who hurt endless legend too much.

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7 years ago
May 26, 2017, 1:02:21 AM
orcamania5 wrote:

Feel like this is cheating but after 100 turns of revolts and protests in huge medium dense galaxy where I had to colonize 58 star systems alone to achieve conquest victory, I had enough with all the micromanagements (moving population with approval bonuses between star systems, constantly reassigning heroes with skill that forces star system to be Esthatic, etc.). So, I just opened SimulationDescriptors[Empire].xml, found this line...

<Modifier       TargetProperty="OverColonizationConstant"     Operation="Addition"             Value="10"       />

and changed the Value to 3.

<Modifier       TargetProperty="OverColonizationConstant"     Operation="Addition"             Value="3"       />

Crushing overcolonization penalty was solved and I was able to play the game without stress.

That's what I'm planning to do/use religious with certain empires until Amplitude realizes this really is not balanced and patches it.

Downer wrote:

Republic Religious makes everyone happy. 

I'd forgotten that, thanks.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 25, 2017, 11:23:46 PM

What about conquest while in an alliance?  This might be difficult to do with an AI but in multiplayer it should certainly be achievable.

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7 years ago
May 25, 2017, 10:24:10 PM

Feel like this is cheating but after 100 turns of revolts and protests in huge medium dense galaxy where I had to colonize 58 star systems alone to achieve conquest victory, I had enough with all the micromanagements (moving population with approval bonuses between star systems, constantly reassigning heroes with skill that forces star system to be Esthatic, etc.). So, I just opened SimulationDescriptors[Empire].xml, found this line...

<Modifier       TargetProperty="OverColonizationConstant"     Operation="Addition"             Value="10"       />

and changed the Value to 3.

<Modifier       TargetProperty="OverColonizationConstant"     Operation="Addition"             Value="3"       />

Crushing overcolonization penalty was solved and I was able to play the game without stress.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 4:01:03 PM
Astasia wrote:

You can assign heroes to new systems until they build up to the point where they are stable. One of the hero types has a skill that locks a system at ecstatic, others have multiple happiness boosts that can stack pretty high. With a handful of heroes on this duty you can build up multiple systems at a time then move on to colonize a few more and repeat. It's never going to be the fastest victory type, I think that's always going to be economic, but it should be very doable given some forethought into hero recruitment, system level luxuries, and minor faction pops.

As far as not having the luxuries you need, as long as they are on the map you shouldn't have any issues getting them, at least not tier 1 resources. The AI dumps them constantly, and you can always direct trade with whoever has it, or set up a trade agreement with them. I pick luxuries I don't have access to most games, it's better to go with something that works and is hard to get than to use something like glitter because it's nearby.

Yeah I don't think it's literally impossible without the religious law.  But having to use every trick in the book, e.g. the ones you mention and conquering e.g. 20 planets on the last turn etc. there is a a point where it is clearly not balanced correctly.  I think myself and others have shown that is the case in this thread at this point.

Conquest is a key part of 4X it should be hard but not a much as this would clearly be, this would add crazy levels of micromanagement which is not fun.  Even supremacy and general large expansion is an issue with overcolonization at the moment and I'm sure it's having a negative effect on the AI with colonizing and taking planets.

A dev has already replied in this thread which is great I'd be surprised if they don't balance this somehow in a future patch.

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 2:34:15 PM

You can assign heroes to new systems until they build up to the point where they are stable. One of the hero types has a skill that locks a system at ecstatic, others have multiple happiness boosts that can stack pretty high. With a handful of heroes on this duty you can build up multiple systems at a time then move on to colonize a few more and repeat. It's never going to be the fastest victory type, I think that's always going to be economic, but it should be very doable given some forethought into hero recruitment, system level luxuries, and minor faction pops.

As far as not having the luxuries you need, as long as they are on the map you shouldn't have any issues getting them, at least not tier 1 resources. The AI dumps them constantly, and you can always direct trade with whoever has it, or set up a trade agreement with them. I pick luxuries I don't have access to most games, it's better to go with something that works and is hard to get than to use something like glitter because it's nearby.

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 1:15:39 PM
Astasia wrote:

On exceptional size the over colonization penalty seems to be -6 per system. The techs that increase the system cap before penalty start at +4, with UE getting a +8. Federation also gets a +4, Democracy seems like the better option though with the happiness per pop bonus. I don't think anyone mentioned the luxury resource bonuses, that's 75 minimum if you want to go wide, I think one of the resources still gives -over colonization unhappiness, you might not get it every game, but maybe you don't go for that victory every game either. I don't know how many systems are required for the victory on exceptional, I never play with any of the victory conditions on, but I never feel like I have to stop expanding, there's always more sources of happiness to get. Getting 300 or 400 happiness in systems doesn't seem difficult at all. You'll have to focus on that, but that's what you do when going for a vicotry condition right, focus on the resource you need to achieve it?

I don't play on anywhere near exceptional size but I checked it out, the developers have definitely put in more measures at that map size than e.g. large many if not all you mentioned.  The planet amount for conquest on the map I used was 82 (possibly is always the same).  14 is the start amount, both techs are 4 each that's 8 and federation is another 4 (I won't count U.E.) so that is 26 total.  That means you would have to go over by 56 to achieve conquest.

If it is - 6 approval per system on that map size then it's 56x6 = -336 approval at victory (if you can get there).  And remember there are other approval penalties you will be suffering e.g. planets overpopulation.  I doubt that's viable personally.  The road there is a lot softer initially for each planet because it is only -6 not -10 but at some point it will become insurmountable or ridiculously harder than it should be.

You may be neglecting to remember you get the penalty as soon as you own a new colony.  It's not viable to build every approval improvement/terraforming on it in straight away.  They will probably rebel before you can with such a severe approval penalty.

You mentioned Transvine though it always appears it won't always be near you or available in the market in sufficient quantity.

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 11:49:44 AM

On exceptional size the over colonization penalty seems to be -6 per system. The techs that increase the system cap before penalty start at +4, with UE getting a +8. Federation also gets a +4, Democracy seems like the better option though with the happiness per pop bonus. I don't think anyone mentioned the luxury resource bonuses, that's 75 minimum if you want to go wide, I think one of the resources still gives -over colonization unhappiness, you might not get it every game, but maybe you don't go for that victory every game either. I don't know how many systems are required for the victory on exceptional, I never play with any of the victory conditions on, but I never feel like I have to stop expanding, there's always more sources of happiness to get. Getting 300 or 400 happiness in systems doesn't seem difficult at all. You'll have to focus on that, but that's what you do when going for a vicotry condition right, focus on the resource you need to achieve it?

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 10:49:04 AM
jhell wrote:


Conquest victory was intended to be difficult to achieve by yourself, even more so on large maps. But we hope we have given enough tools for it not to be impossible :).

If you really want to conquer the galaxy by yourself, I would advise to go for a religious Dictatorship and then enact the law which forces approval to "Content". This way approval becomes a non-concern.

About the bugs mentionned in this thread, they are being investigated currently.

Personally I think it's too hard/near enough to impossible to be an issue (when not using the religious law).  I think a overcolonization penalty of 100-150 max on any given map type should be about right maybe 200 when approaching the final planet needed for conquest.  Perhaps the penalty should scale based on total amount of planets on a map.

The map types shouldn't be just +2 systems per increasing map size.  The amount of planets per map doesn't scale well with that imo.

Also perhaps the techs which increase system amounts should scale to map.  And like "WeLoveYou" mentioned perhaps there should be more techs perhaps late game.  Perhaps even percentage ones like it was rather than fixed system amounts.

@WeLoveYou thanks, I'm guessing you might know but my release version LP is out I'll leave a link :)

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 9:59:56 AM


Conquest victory was intended to be difficult to achieve by yourself, even more so on large maps. But we hope we have given enough tools for it not to be impossible :).

If you really want to conquer the galaxy by yourself, I would advise to go for a religious Dictatorship and then enact the law which forces approval to "Content". This way approval becomes a non-concern.

About the bugs mentionned in this thread, they are being investigated currently.

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 9:18:21 AM
Macsen wrote:
Ozgwald wrote:

Using horatio...

Ozgwald wrote:

With Horatio...

I think you've missed the point of the thread Ozgwald perhaps I should have made it clearer.  No one is asking how great Horatio is, Horatio is "perfectly" capable of letting us know that already and no advice has been sought on how to cope with the overpopulation.  The point of the thread is to gain opinion on whether there is a balance issue, e.g. like Dictatorships had an approval issue back in early access which was subsequently fixed.

Also to hopefully give suggestions on how it can be fixed if there is an issue (there is) and to bring it to Amplitudes attention so it gets fixed.

@SirBagel - thank you your posts are excellent in highlighting the problem more so than mine.

Maybe you should read the replies better. I confirm the balance is gone and I too feel that -10 is over the top. Having the +2 planet tech bonus being dynamic on map size is an option or having even the penalty deminish as you pick a larger map. However such options are blant and just result in waiting for the right tech. What is different about playing a large map or a small map, when the game just upscales and presents no real difference apart from having more pixels on the screen? In the end it is a strategy game not a rpg.

I give multiple options to deal with it now and try these out for yourself. You dismiss this suggestion, because you are stuck seeing the problem only from your own perspective. It is not impossible as many players are suggesting (not only in this thread), it is just to severe or hard and the options the game give us to combat it are too frigid or limited. 

Maybe if you stopped being such a @^&# (your reply omits my responsibility to remain civil), you would have read my reply as such. I suggest taking a walk outside and let those vitamin D boost you approval rating. Under my bug reports you can see some approval mechanics at work with heroes and planning, that totally invalidate the pictures provided in this post. 

Going for the big empires needs planning, it needs larger systems it needs the right population to do so. I come by with just +2/ +0 approval on population due to bugs, it is totally viable to be around +3 avg for any civilization. You also need to understand how to get heroes, what contributes to unlocking them? It is not gimmicky how you get them and which you get it is all explained by the tutorial. I make sure to get early market access (I am unsure how this works) because early on there are like 4 heroes up for sale, when I tech it later you can buy perhaps 2 or none. Keep checking the market sometimes a hero is for sale for up to 1-5 turns only. 

If you take 20 turns to complete a project and wasted that time not leveling heroes by reassignment that is your loss. All these facets can be planned and maximized, which contribute to unlocking more. Right now you have an unique challenge to get a game in such a map to be won by these conquest conditions. There are other ways to win the game, you can also play on smaller maps, yet this combination gives you an unique challenge that will push your understanding of the game. Having dynamic scaling of penalties by map size would remove such challenges from presenting themselves. 

Here is another strategy: you have an economics law that gives +10 approval per different species within 1 system. You have 16 minor and 8 major factions that makes 24 total so a possible +240 on a system. Yeah population management is too much of hassle and needs to be improved, but getting +100 this way is not hard at all and guess what mr grumpy? It beats the horatio strategy. (It actually is not +10 since often you will have to go down the dictator route and face some penalties with missing representatives, the political landscape balance is still far too favored to militaristic actions) Law: Ecologist, Potent, Power to the People. 

Another law: make love not war. +20 per alliance and +10 per peace, along with the tech: High serenity for +10/ +5. You will need influence for this game of continues war and peace.

You can get like +20 or +40 (in beta 4 wars gave +160) per war, just maintain your wars. 

Cravers got the Cathedral that gives +1 per existing ship in the galaxy. I am sure the other races also got their options.

I rather see improvements to:

1. population management, 

2. instructions & foresight to hero bonuses & acquisition and 

3. influence on the politics/ law accessibility. 

Not achieving these things should also not be deemed unbalanced, perhaps you simply failed. Waged to much war, had a lack of resource to bribe for peace, upgraded your system level too late and your population is a mess? 

Don't simply take away the challenge. Keep the challenge but improve our ways to deal with it. We can play on different map sizes and get different challenges, or we can get the exact same game just with more traveling and more systems to micromanage and end up figuring out: "I could have played a smaller and quicker game." You can't go the grand empire route and dismiss the challenge that should come with this. It is these challenges, perhaps unintentionally designed, that can make single player a lot of fun to play.

I completely forgot about the religious law, thank you dev.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 22, 2017, 3:00:52 PM

Does anyone else feel the Over-colonization Penalty of -10 Approval per system is too much?  On a large map you only get 8 systems before the penalty kicks in yet there are 50+ systems I think on the map.  Each map size only increases it by 2.  Only two techs actually increase the default map amount by two each, one is bugged (4th era with the +25 approval building) at least in my game and then the Empire Government adds two.

Seems a heck of a bigger penalty than in the last early access build it was no where near near this.

Somewhere between -3 and -5 per system seems more reasonable to me and/or more late game techs to allow more expansion...


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 7:04:51 AM
Maverik wrote:
play on Big, and i don't like the conquest victory, Do not try yet...

I too like anti-snowball mechanics but when a mechanic makes conquest nearly impossible on certain maps where approval will get to -300 because of overcolonization or more because of that mechanic that's an issue imo.  There is a lot of approval in the game but that's really pushing it to and beyond breaking point.  When a new/taken colony has -300 approval you can't realistically build everything on it instantly to put it right.  I'd suggest you try a conquest game on a Big map before you pass judgement on conditions you haven't experienced.  

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 6:53:13 AM
Macsen wrote:
Maverik wrote:

I think 10 is fine, it is very easy to get sources of happiness, I have not had problems with happiness in any of my games.

What size maps did you play, did you attempt to go for conquest or supremacy and how many planets did you have?

I play on Big, and i don't like the conquest victory, Do not try yet, I  think getting it is usually a boring routine, if I want a military  victory i go for the capitals only.

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 6:40:54 AM
Maverik wrote:

I think 10 is fine, it is very easy to get sources of happiness, I have not had problems with happiness in any of my games.

What size maps did you play, did you attempt to go for conquest or supremacy and how many planets did you have?

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