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ENDLESS™ Space 2 is turn-based 4X space-strategy that launches players into the space colonization age of different civilizations within the ENDLESS™ Universe. Your Vision. Their Future.

ES2 Community Challenge, Take One

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6 years ago
Oct 3, 2018, 10:46:53 PM

Over a year ago, I tried to create a monthly community challenge for Endless Legend in which I would present a different and possibly unusual scenario every month to invite all players to try out game settings or strategies they may not usually play. For various reasons, that project fell by the wayside.

As I am trying to restart that project for Endless Legend, I want to expand it to include Endless Space 2 as well, so here I would like to present you the first of hopefully many. If this proves to be popular, I will do my best to collect all challenges in an easily accessible place and possibly create a hall of fame.

I hope this first one will prove an interesting and entertaining challenge in spite of the unusually slow game speed.

If you want to participate, please reply to this thread with:

  • Your victory turn count
  • Your total score (from the post-victory screen)
  • A brief description of your greatest challenges or triumphs, or other remarkable moments, be they purely gameplay or emergent narrative (screenshots welcome)
  • A savegame of your victory turn, if possible.

I invite you all to create more detailed After Action Reports as well, but please try not to overwhelm this thread with them. If they become too long, I suggest creating a separate thread in the Creations subforum and linking to it here.

  • Title: Glory Seeker
  • Description: With the help of recovered Endless technology, the Hissho are ready to reach for the stars. Onwards to new frontiers, new battles, and greater glory. Surely, there must be worthy opponents out there...
  • Factions: Hissho (player)
  • Conditions: Large but sparse Disk galaxy, few major and minor factions, no pirates, Endless speed, fewer quests, No Supremacy or Conquest Victory
  • Required DLC: All


Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Oct 7, 2018, 3:20:59 PM

Define 'few' major factions for me please.
NVM just went with the savefile.

Fun fact, your save file has both conquest and supremacy victories disabled, so I did do supremacy on turn 153 but had to follow up with elimination by turn 173 at which point I really just pressed end turn a lot looking for off-lane nodes. End turn button shows 1241 but I do not know how to deduce an actual score value,  as the empire chronicles at 173 say 61927 as the "overall score" for some reason.
community chayllenge victory turn.sav is the turn save on which the supremacy victory condition was met.
I'll post a vid too and link here for better exposure.

To add some more clutter:
From gameplay perspective the entire experience only reinforced my views of the game balancing being an utter joke. But the AI performed admirably retaking systems with single ships after I left them and all that.

For the future I would appreciate more exact figures and better consisency in rules and turn save 1 provided. Otherwise I guess I am happy you gave me some reason to spin the singleplayer around a bit and enabled me to produce some themed content, so thanks for taking your time and doing this.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Oct 9, 2018, 2:44:08 PM
koxsos wrote:

Fun fact, your save file has both conquest and supremacy victories disabled, so I did do supremacy on turn 153 but had to follow up with elimination by turn 173

My bad, that's a mistake in the original post. It was supposed to say "No Supremacy or Conquest Victory," so I'm going to fix that now. That was supposed to be part of the challenge, after all: Winning with the Hissho when you can't just conquer a handful of systems to reach Conquest/Supremacy.

I had forgotten about the in-game score display and the post-game screen using different numbers, though. For reference, I was refering to the one on the post victory screen.

Could you elaborate on exactly what additional information you want provided with the challenge? A more detailed list of Galaxy and GAmeplay settings? Specific house rules and restrictions that might be relevant to the challenge?

By the way, what were the most egregious examples of bad balancing in this scenario in your opinion? I'd like to avoid anything that may become too frustrating for future challenges, but it might be a few days before I can check your video in full.

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6 years ago
Oct 9, 2018, 5:36:52 PM

I guess I would settle for number of AI empires in place of "few".
But I guess using turn 1 savegames saves a lot of words and introduces a "surprise" element for certain.
Would be more like "here's a savegame, now beat it, and show us what you got". Would probably introduce an actual competitive element, if we are talking score providing each try an even start.
I would probably pull back on the restrictions of "all dlcs" and try to seed games both with and without them if possible - for instance without the OST and minor faction one.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Oct 9, 2018, 5:55:04 PM

For this one, since the player race was meant to be the Hissho (similar to how the current EL one is abut the Kapaku), I figured I might as well throw in the Vaulters, since most players who have Supremacy probably also have Vaulters.

But the plan is to either stick to purely the base game and free extensions for future challenges, or provide the exact game settings and seed, allowing for different combinations to be submitted.

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5 years ago
Nov 16, 2018, 6:14:02 PM

"In fact, forget the Academy!"

I'm happy to see this. Opening the challenges to community submissions was always part of the plan, but I wanted to get some traction first, and take some time to set everything up for easy browsing, leaderboards, etc.

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